Reflection On Indigenous Population
Reflective Essay
The third assessment task for this unit is a reflective essay [1000 words]. Each student will write a reflective essay based on his or her experience of engaging with a cross-cultural community. Student can use example from their previous or current experience of working with a community group( indigenous population in Australia ) and reflect on communication and cultural challenges they experience. Students should then discuss learning they achieved from this experience and how they will apply that knowledge to improve their current or future public health practice.
The reflective essay will be assessed on the following criteria.
The essay shows evidence of understanding of cross-cultural community engagement: 25%
Reflection demonstrates use of appropriate language, personal learning and change in practice: 25%
Reflexivity in linking personal experience, practice examples and evidence: 25%
All work is the student’s own, all information is properly referenced, and essay is written according to academic convention: 25%