recruitment strategic plan or strategic initiatives 2

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

recruitment strategic plan or strategic initiatives 2

Using a case study that focuses on Pocahontas Memorial Hospital located in Pocahontas County, West Virginia. Pocahontas Memorial Hospital (PMH) would like to offer a comprehensive satellite health clinic within Pocahontas County. You have been contracted to prepare a report for the PMH Board of Directors to guide them in determining the feasibility of opening a satellite clinic as part of a strategic initiative for their annual strategic management planning process.

As you continue working on your Capstone Project this week, begin drafting a strategic plan and/or strategic initiatives for recruiting healthcare providers and professionals, and include this in the Recommendations section of your report.

Your well-written strategic plan and/or strategic initiatives should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 2-3 pages in length, not including the cover, abstract (optional), or reference pages.
  • Utilize headings to organize the content.
  • Include a minimum of three references with associated in-text citations.
  • Be formatted according to the APA writing guidlines