Project Two Motor Vehicle Crash Report Template

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Project Two Motor Vehicle Crash Report Template


To complete this template, replace the bracketed text with the relevant information. Note that a formal motor vehicle crash report will have additional details. This template is to be completed based on the information provided in the scenario.


1. Date of Crash [Insert date of crash.]
2. Time of Crash

(Military Time)

[Insert time of crash.]
3. Day of Week [Insert day of week.]
4. Date of Report [Insert date of report.]
5. Type of Crash


List all that apply from these options:


O1 Fatality

02 Injury

03 Property Damage Only

04 Hit and Run

05 Pedestrian

06 Non-collision

07 Commercial Vehicle

99 Other (Specify)

[Insert type or types of crash.]
6. Location


Indicate direction (north, south, east, or west) from bridge—e.g., north from Center Street Bridge.

[Insert direction from bridge—north, south, east, or west.]
7. Number of Vehicles Involved [Insert number of vehicles involved.]
8. Number of Injured Persons [Insert number of injured persons.]
9. Number of Occupants (Including Driver) by Vehicle [Insert number of occupants in vehicle 1.]


[Insert number of occupants in vehicle 2.]


[Insert number of occupants in vehicle 3.]


[Insert number of occupants in vehicle 4.]

10. Number of Fatalities [Insert number of fatalities.]
11. Striking Object Type


Indicate the striking object type from these options:


O1 Driver

02 Pedestrian

03 Bicyclist

04 Parked Car

05 Animal

06 N/A

07 Other Fixed Object (Specify)

[Insert striking object type.]
12. Striking Object Information


Indicate the color, license number, and vehicle type.

[Insert color of vehicle.]


[Insert license number.]


[Insert type of vehicle.]

13. Struck Object Type


List all that apply from these options:


O1 Driver

02 Pedestrian

03 Bicyclist

04 Parked Car

05 Animal

06 N/A

07 Other Fixed Object (Specify)

[Insert struck object type.]
14. Witnesses [Insert witnesses.]
15. Involved Persons [Insert involved persons.]
16. Detailed Narrative [Give a concise statement in your own words of the facts in 1 to 2 paragraphs. Be sure to address who, what, when, where, how, and why.]