
  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read


Below you will find a review of the steps you should have taken to complete the final assignment.

You should have gained an in-depth perspective of public health by understanding how to assess and analyze data, understand theoretical concepts, and apply policy and interventions for individual, community, and population level change. Based on what you have learned throughout the course from the readings, and from your own experiences, you will be able to provide thoughtful recommendations for how to develop health strategies that may be used to improve population health outcomes.

Consider the leadership skills and practical skills that may be required to enhance implementation of those strategies. It is important to think strategically and collaboratively when working within the field of public health.

The course assignments and final project will prepare you with the skills, tools, and resources to respond to or plan for public health challenges.

You have accomplished the following tasks in the previous weeks:

  • Chosen a community in the United States.
  • Identified the geographical location, that is, rural, urban, region, or neighborhood, and described the demographics, overall health status, and health statistics of the location.
  • Then, identified a health challenge or issue that is greatly affecting or burdening the community.
  • Explained and discussed access to healthcare in this location (i.e. community health centers, hospitals, health insurance providers, etc.) and the types of health and social services available as they relate to the health challenge. Presented any other community assets that may help to support prevention or solve the issue.
  • Additionally, researched the policies, programs, and strategies currently in place that support the prevention and elimination of the health issue. You may have also found that there are challenges to health improvement due to those same policies, programs, and strategies; be sure to incorporate any such findings into your presentation.
  • Identified and discussed the champions for health in the community and expanded on their approaches for success.
  • Described innovative approaches towards progress and provided recommendations for advancing public health in the community.

Write a 15–20-page, double-spaced paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Utilize at least 7–10 scholarly sources in your research and be sure to include a references page. Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.