Prep sheet

Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. For full details see the IHP-501 Module One Project Preparation Guidelines and Rubric. If needed, you can expand the outline to itemize your responses underneath the indicated topics.
In this initial assignment, you will select the scenario for your humanitarian aid trip, including the population. Next, you will identify the social determinants of health for the scenario you have chosen.
First, select an option from the list below that you are most interested in researching:
· · Option 2 is traveling to West Africa to address the health challenge of Ebola. Your attention was drawn to this health issue after reading this Ebola outbreak report from the World Health Organization. Option 2 for West Africa , there are 16 countries that make up the continent of West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte D’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo. Select one country in West Africa to focus on for the rest of the assignments leading to the Final Project due in Module Nine.
1. Scenario: [ Select one of the four scenarios (options) and include article citation. Provide evidence-based summary description of the problem.]
2. Population [Describe target population for chosen scenario]
A. Geographic Region:
i. Size: [Insert text and citation.]
ii. Location: [Insert text and citation.]
iii. Climate: [Insert text and citation.]
B. Socioeconomic Profile:
i. Capital City: [Insert text and citation.]
ii. Major Districts or Territories: [Insert text and citation.]
iii. Income Standard: [Insert text and citation.]
iv. Common Occupations: [Insert text and citation.]
v. GDP Estimate: [Insert text and citation.]
vi. Source of Funding for the Education System: [Insert text and citation.]
vii. Source of Funding for the Healthcare System: [Insert text and citation.]
C. Demographic Profile:
i. Birth Rate: [Insert text and citation.]
ii. Aging Trends: [Insert text and citation.]
iii. Death Rates: [Insert text and citation.]
3. Prevalent Health Concerns: [Insert text and citation. Discuss prevalent health concerns including problem of focus in selected scenario]
4. Social Determinants: [Identify social determinants of health for selected scenario].
i. Education: [Insert text and citation.]
ii. Healthcare: [Insert text and citation.]
iii. Economic Stability: [Insert text and citation.]
iv. Inequity: [Insert text and citation.]