please respond to the following post 16

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

please respond to the following post 16

please respond to the following post. with a long paragraph with your opinion. please ass citations and references.

The nurse’s role as a health educator is to help the general public improve their health. Nurses usually use schools, homes, health care facilities and even work places as a platform to educate patients/general public.

The nurse by educating, helps patients make decisions about how they want to die, how some diseases can be prevented and even how to live with certain diseases. The nurse is also responsible for assessing a patient physical, spiritual and psychosocial well-being.

When educating patients, the nurse has to take into consideration the patient’s cultural background. The patient should also be willing to learn, this means the patient should not be in denial but know what is happening to them health-wise. Another strategy is for a nurse educator not to be a dictator but a team player who the patient can have a rapport with, not someone who just dictates instructions and does not even involve the patient in the care plan.

Behavioral objective should be utilized in a health plan when the patient shows willingness to learn, understands his or her disease process or is knowledgeable , when a patient understands their diagnosis and is willing to make some life changing choices. An example is a patient with DM type 2 should be willing to cut down on carbohydrates and not lead the same life style they used to before they were diagnosed with DM type 2.


Chapter 1 in Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the Continuum. Retrieved from

Patient Education in Home Care: Strategies for Success,” by Ashton and Oermann, from Home Healthcare Now (2014). Retrieved from