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The nurse practitioner (NP) is an autonomous and independent, advanced practice nurse capable of providing treatment and care that can be substituted for some aspects of a medical doctor’s (MD’s) role, especially in a community setting. Previous systematic reviews found higher levels of patient satisfaction with services provided by NPs than those provided by MDs. As non-communicable diseases become a major health burden requiring long-term healthcare in community settings (Kanda M, et al. (n.d.).
In community settings where NPs are the first point of contact, such as at a nursing home, geriatric healthcare facility, home-visit nursing agency, in the home or at the clinic, the NP performs assessments and diagnoses, orders diagnostic and laboratory tests, prescribes medication and offers treatments with a high level of autonomy and independence. Also taking responsibility for case management, the NP monitors patient health and medical plan adherence, offers counselling and education for non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention, ensures continuity of care and manages hospital readmission. The NP is also responsible for disease symptom management and is expected to show advanced consultation, collaboration, education, research and leadership skills (Kanda M, et al. (n.d.).
Nurse practitioners are being utilized more in the community setting because they’re able to reach more patients in their own community to prevent a lot of issues like transportation and access. A lot of times patients will not be able to see a doctor or fulfill their meds get seen any of their regular care because they just the one does not have time or it is too far for them. Nurse practitioners are utilizing these communities to improve patient’s health.
As I scan through my own community, I see many health care providers available almost every corner offering different areas of services to the people. Majority are still physicians who has their own practice and provides either general service for primary care or specialties requiring consultations and follow-up visits. But for last few years that I’ve been in this community, I see the rise of nurse practitioners that contributes a great deal of preventive services to the public.
Globally, health disparities are continuously growing. The most vulnerable population groups are having trouble getting care and having access to the health system. Relevant experiences on NPs working in advanced roles in communities undertaking health promotion, health literacy activities, or other prevention services, frequently for vulnerable groups, are available from Canada and the United States (Maier et al., 2018). Despite many physicians are available in the community, they mainly focus on treatment and diagnosing certain conditions. Whereas according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 3.5 million nurses in the United States, making them the largest group of healthcare workers. In the country, there are three nurses for every doctor, and Gallup surveys constantly show that nurses are the ones who patients have the most faith in (Culver, 2019). Therefore, utilizing a nurse yet can become a primary care provider such as a nurse practitioner would be the best representative in promoting health and maximizing the benefits of preventative measures.
Nurse practitioner’s role in screening and promoting health for people in the community is a crucial part of building a healthy community. Fooladi (2015) emphasized that a fundamental component of preventative healthcare is community awareness, and individuals charged with carrying out the national health initiatives may try to identify additional important variables affecting community health.