Personal SWOT Analysis health and medicine homework help

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Personal SWOT Analysis health and medicine homework help

Personal SWOT Analysis


The purpose of this assignment is to assist you in identifying your strengths that will assist you in leading change and improvement in the advanced practice role. This journal work will help inform your work for the Unit 9 Assignment.


A common practice used by companies to analyze themselves and their competitors is an analysis called “SWOT”. This process can inform key decisions and strategies. This exercise isn’t just for businesses; it can be helpful for nurses in evaluating their goals and aspirations too.

SWOT stands for:

Strengths– Factors that are likely to have a positive effect on (or be an enabler to) achieving the objective

Weaknesses– Factors that are likely to have a negative effect on (or be a barrier to) achieving the objective

Opportunities– External Factors that are likely to have a positive effect on achieving or exceeding your objective, or goal not previously considered

Threats– External Factors and conditions that are likely to have a negative effect on achieving your objective, or making the objective redundant or unachievable

With thegoalofgraduating and practicing as an APRN, the first step is to understand more about yourself and your external environment. Complete a brief SWOT analysis in your Journal. Be sure to include references where appropriate.

Where to Post Response:

You will post this response to the online Journal. However, please write your response in Word or another text tool and save your work. When you are ready to post, copy your response text and paste it into the online Journal. This approach will ensure that you have a backup of your work.

To access the Journal, click the Journal tab located in the upper right area of the screen.

Assignment Requirements:

As this Assignment is a Journal entry and not a formal paper, it may at times be difficult to follow the organization, style, and formatting of the APA 6th Edition Manual. Despite this, your Journal Assignment should:

  • be no more than 1-2 paragraphs (less than one page) in length;
  • clearly establish and maintain the viewpoint and purpose of the Assignment;
  • follow the conventions ofStandard American English(correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • bewell ordered,logical,andunified, as well asoriginal and insightful; and
  • displaysuperior content, organization, style,andmechanics.

References may be included and if references are used, the references should be prepared in APA format.