Personal responsibility and work opportunity Reconciliation Act sociology homework help

This chapter has taught us about the history of human services, including the ability to see how an increased federal government presence has played a role in shaping the agencies, laws, and opportunities that are available to those vulnerable populations that we serve. Since your Cengage activity was related to healthcare, let’s discuss welfare reform, more specifically PRWORA. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act was a transfer of power from the federal government to the state level by issuing block grants. Each state has its own “spin” on TANF. Please discuss one benefit that might be received in your state; what is the purpose of this benefit; what must one do to be eligible for this benefit; how is this benefit related to the previous program AFCD; and, finally, has this benefit truly been a benefit?
For example, when the federal government was over AFDC eligibility was based on income. The cost of living in NY is different from the cost of living in AL. However, the income limits for obtaining benefits were the same. With the states now in charge, the limits of eligibility can be different. So, therefore, someone who might not have qualified in Alabama can now do so. Yes, it has been a benefit for those living in states with a lower cost of living.
It have to be at least 50 words in this is a Human Services Question