Part 1 Tasks (Objectives from Week 1–4):

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Part 1 Tasks (Objectives from Week 1–4):

In the previous 4 weeks, you selected a nontrivial enterprise or organization for which to create, design, and build a recommendation proposal to implement 1 new IS related to the management of data and identified as addressing an organization issue that exists today.

You thoroughly researched and documented the following information as part of your Key Assignment toward the goal of preparing a comprehensive report for the design and implementation of an information system related to data management:

  • Selected the company and described its background and mission
  • Described the organizational issues related to data management
  • Suggested information systems and the applications they support to solve organizational issues, with the pros and cons
  • Wrote a proposal for implementation of a new information system with business strategic alignment
  • Discussed the information system detail including supported applications, operations, and management

At this point, you should review and make changes to sections 1 through 5 of your Key Assignment based on feedback from the instructor and classmates during the draft review. Make sure it is a cohesive document transitioning from one section to the next with sufficient detail

Part 2 Tasks (Objectives from Week 5):

For the last section, you will add the following new information to the report or Final Key Assignment:

  • Final Information System Proposal should contain the following:
    • Consideration for emerging technologies and trends as part of the proposed information system
    • Executive Summary highlighting all of the overall recommendations and where they are incorporated in the proposal.

Your Final Key Assignment, Data Management System Design and Implementation Proposal Report, should have all of the following sections filled in:

  • Section 1: Company Background
  • Section 2: Data Management Organizational Issues
  • Section 3: Suggested Information Systems and Applications They Support
  • Section 4: Implementation of New Information System and Strategic Alignment
  • Section 5: Selected Information System Capabilities Detail
  • Section 6: Emerging Technology Implications
  • Section 7: Executive Overview