Organizational conflict types and the investigation of resolution approaches in nurses health and medical assignment help

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Organizational conflict types and the investigation of resolution approaches in nurses health and medical assignment help

Required Readings

Altun, Ö., & Argon, G. (2011). Organizational conflict types and the investigation of resolutoin approaches in nurses. HealthMed, 5(4), 724-729.

Brinkert, R. (2011). Conflict coaching training for nurse managers: A case study of two hospital systems. Journal of Nursing Management, 19(1), 80-91.

Patterson, K. (2010). Effects of unresolved conflict on organizational health and performance and conflict resolution training for developing leaders and improving business success. Proceedings of the Northeast Business & Economics Association, 542-546.

Pavlakis, A.; Kaitelidou, D.; Theodorou, M.; Galanis, P.; Sourtzi, P.; Siskou, O. (2011). Conflict management in public hospitals: The Cypress case. International Nursing Review, 58, 242-248.

Spence, H., & Cappleman, J. (2011). Fostering Teamwork in an Intermediate Care Unit. Nursing Management – UK, 18(3), 20-24. Journal of US-China Public Adminitration, 8(2), 198-220.

The Case Assignment

Bobby Langdon is the current president of Acme General. It is a 300-bed hospital serving a community of 70,000 people. He has just completed a meeting with the hospital administrator, Susy Miller. The meeting was called to address to find an acceptable solution to an apparant conflict between Ms. Miller and the chief of the Bariatric Program, Dr. Kincaid. The problem: The Bariatic Program manager is scheduling the various surgeries in such a way that the providers do not feel they can adequately perform these complicated procedures. They also feel there isn’t proper time allowed between procedures to set up the surgical suite for the next case. The providers feel that the scheduling issues are resulting in poor patient outcomes. It has also been pointed out that the program manager shows favoritism toward some of the providers and allows them more time in the OR and between cases. The problem escalated when Dr. Kincaid fired the program manager after numerous complaints from providers, staff, and patients. The manager talked to Ms. Miller who over-ruled the doctor. She cited that non-clinical staff could not be fired by the program director. After reading this scenario, use the information you have gleaned from your research and the required readings to answer the following questions.

  1. Identify and discuss at least 3 types of conflict found in a healthcare setting.
  2. What type of conflict is represented in this scenario? (Justify your response.)
  3. What is the potential impact on the Bariatric Program and the organization? (Discuss at least three)
  4. What are some potential solutions? Which one is the best considering all the facts that have been presented?
  5. What will likely be the reaction of Ms. Miller, Dr. Kincaid, and the program manager when a resolution is decided?

This paper HAS to be in apa format with a reference page the references MUST be cited into the paper ONLY 3 times AND PLEASE INCLUDE LINKS WITH THE REFERENCES You HAVE TO READ THE REQUIRED READING AND ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. I have read it myself and I know what everything IT is saying so please dont make up things as you go along i will know I have had these things done in the past.