one page handout

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

one page handout

Now, the purpose of the following information is to additional guidance for the One-page Handout assignment.

Imagine when you visit your healthcare provider and there are one-page documents and pamphlets in the waiting room on various topics. If you’re at the doctor’s office, you may see one page on hypertension, another page on good foods to eat to reduce your cholesterol level. If you’re in the dentist’s office, you may see a page on stages of gum disease. Are you getting the picture?

This is what the One-page Handout assignment is all about. You may do a general overview of your topic as your handout, but you do not have to. For example, if your subject is Oral Health you may just want to do your handout on proper technique for flossing.

As explained in the Handout guidelines, you will want to use visual graphics to enhance your handout and grab the reader’s attention. This should be done in your own words. If you use wording, concepts, or ideas from an outside source, you MUST give credit to that source by including proper APA citation on your handout. Reminder: Turnitin plagiarism software is included in D2L submission folders once you submit your assignment. You can check your own similarity index (SI) to ensure you are giving proper credit in your work.

You may want to strongly consider creating an infographic for your handout. The infographic is a graphic visual presentation of important information you want to share with others. Even as a student, the infographic can be a learning aid to help organize bits of complex information to increase retention. There are various types of infographics for presentation including informational, decision making, and procedural formats. These websites have infographic templates that can be used for the assignment, Canva or Piktochart. In addition to the websites listed, there are a number of other tools you can use to create an infographic including PowerPoint and InDesign software. Also, you may use icons from The Noun Project.