Nutrition & Hydration / Persistent Vegetative State (PVS)

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read


Nutrition & Hydration / Persistent Vegetative State

Nutrition & Hydration / Persistent Vegetative State (PVS)
Nutrition & Hydration / Persistent Vegetative State

Nursing homework help

Cure / care: compare and contrast.

  1. Basic care: Nutrition, hydration, shelter, human interaction.
    • Are we morally obliged to this? Why? Example
  2. Swallow test, describe; when is it indicated?
  3. When is medically assisted N/H indicated?
    • Briefly describe Enteral Nutrition (EN), including:
      • NJ tube
      • NG tube
      • PEG
    • Briefly describe Parenteral Nutrition (PN), including:
      • a. Total parenteral nutrition
      • b. Partial parenteral nutrition
  4. Bioethical analysis of N/H; state the basic principle and briefly describe the two exceptions.
  5. Case Study: Terry Schiavo (EXCEL FILE on Module 7: Lecture Materials & Resources page). Provide a bioethical analysis of her case; should we continue with the PEG or not? Why yes or why not?
  6. Read and summarize ERD paragraphs #:  32, 33, 34, 56, 57, 58.