Nursing Impact on Informatics

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Nursing Impact on Informatics

Directions:Select one or two of the following 3 sources from the Readings and Resources section of this module.

Discuss how nurses have influenced or improved nursing practice, administration, education, or research through informatics. Support your answer with at least two examples from websites or journal articles. How similar or different is it from your own personal or professional experiences?

Cite sources in the paragraphs and list references at the end of your post.

Submission:After you post your initial post, reply to three or more of your classmates’ postings. Remember: Your participation should reflect sufficient effort.

Grading:This discussion is worth 100 points and will be graded using the Nursing Discussion Rubric. Use the information in the rubric as a guide toward the successful completion of this module’s discussion.