Nur4244 public health and community nursing guiding document

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Nur4244 public health and community nursing guiding document

Nursing homework help


A public health colleague has approached you about being a consultant to work with a community group to help guide them through the action planning process. She has asked you to prepare a step-by-step guide on how to develop an action plan for the community group.The guiding document you create will be used to provide an overview of the process for developing a community action plan and will be used during an upcoming community meeting with interested consumers, local community members, and public health officials.


Prepare a guiding document for the development of an action plan that:

  • Details the steps in developing an action plan for the community.
  • Explains the key components of the action plan, including components needed to address the cultural, socioeconomic, and behavioral factors in the community.
  • Describes how an action plan could improve the health outcomes of the community.
  • Discusses your role as a public and community health nurse in the action planning process, including:
    • Your role in identifying health determinants of the vulnerable populations in the community.
    • Your role in assessing the potential impact of communicable diseases on the health of the community.
  • Suggests possible stakeholders to improve collaboration in the community, including policy-influencers, representatives of the different cultural and population groups affected, and social service and healthcare partners.
  • Designs the implementation process for the action plan with suggested goals for each phase of implementation, including:
    • Communication and dissemination of information to the community.
    • Development of multidimensional strategies of care for the community.
  • Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar in the guiding document.


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