NorQuest NFDN 1002 Professional Portfolio Assignment

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NorQuest NFDN 1002 Professional Portfolio Assignment

Topic: Professional Portfolio Example

Student Name:


Competency: D_2_1: Demonstrate knowledge and ability to use appropriate communication techniques to build, maintain, and close the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship (Song & McCreary, 2020).
Significant Learning Experience: My significant learning experience was the takeaway assignment on therapeutic communication. Our lecturer provided a video of a nurse taking a history from a patient. The purpose was to identify therapeutic and non-therapeutic communication tools and describe how you would approach a similar patient.

I was keen to bring out several therapeutic tools that the nurse employed. For every non-therapeutic technique used, I had an alternative therapeutic tool that I would have employed. Excellent performance in the assignment made me confident in my communication techniques when interacting with patients.

What you Learned: I have earnt the therapeutic and the non – therapeutic communication techniques. To foster a therapeutic relationship with the patient, I should apply tools such as active listening, empathy and silence and avoid invalidation, overloading patients with questions, giving advice, and false reassurance (Su et al., 2020). I have also learnt that communication includes verbal and verbal cues. Therefore, I should employ therapeutic communication techniques that align with my non-verbal cues to foster a therapeutic nurse to patient relationship.
Proficiency Rating: My proficiency rating is competent because I meet the competency requirements of my practice satisfactorily. I am an effective team member in the health care teams. I achieved this by participating in inter-professional communication training and ensuring I contribute to the discussion during team and inter-professional meetings.
Significance of Learning: The course was impactful in sharpening my communication skills. Communication is vital in cultivating a nurse-patient relationship and in patient advocacy.
Nursing Practice: The competency has helped me handle patients’ sensitive situations and lead patients to tell sensitive information that is key to management. Therefore, in future, I can effectively handle bereaved clients. Regarding inter-professional collaboration, I need to be more involved in inter-professional teams to sharpen my collaboration skills.
APA: Reference Song, Y., & McCreary, L. L. (2020). New graduate nurses’ self-assessed competencies: An integrative review. Nurse Education in Practice, 45, 102801.

Su, Jing Jing, Golden Mwakibo Masika, Jenniffer Torralba Paguio, and Sharon R. Redding. Defining compassionate nursing care.” Nursing ethics 27, no. 2 (2020): 480-493.


Also Read:

NFDN 1002 Assignment 2: Teaching Plan

Assignment 1: Professional Portfolio Instructions


The purpose of a professional portfolio is to demonstrate a commitment to life-long learning through ongoing professional development. The professional portfolio will help you to develop your understanding of the CLPNA competencies as well as ensuring self-assessment and reflection throughout your career in nursing. This will ultimately help you transition from a novice to expert practitioner. This assignment is a total of 14 marks and contributes 5% toward your total course grade.


Step 1:

Review the competencies from the CLPNA website

Once you have selected the competency send to your instructor to review the competency number .

NFDN 1002-Check with your Instructor the competency selected from CLPNA site.

Pick the specific competency you would like to focus on.

Step 2:

Reflect on the following areas and provide your information for each area on the template provided.
Competency: Clearly label the competency letter, number, and subcategory (write out the competency).
Significant learning experience: Describe ONE significant learning experience in this course related to the CLPNA competency you have identified. Provide an example.

What you learned: Describe what you learned and how it relates to the competency identified.

Proficiency rating: Use the Proficiency Rating Categories below to rate your own proficiency in the identified CLPNA competency. What did you do to achieve this competency and provide evidence to support your rating?

Significance of learning: Explain how the identified competency enhanced your learning (was meaningful) in this course.

Nursing Practice: Describe how you will apply this learning in your current and future nursing practice (What are your strengths and what are your future learning needs regarding this competency).

Follow APA for references and citations, grammar/spelling

Step 3:

The learner will upload their professional portfolio to the Moodle assignment drop box on the due date specified by your instructor.

Proficiency Categories:

Excellent: Integrates competency theory with other knowledge, skill and attitudes so that it becomes seamless/automatic as part of everyday nursing practice.

Good: Understands the competency in theory and in scenarios and nursing practice.

Fair: Understands the competency in theory; unable to apply it to scenarios or nursing practice.

Poor: Does not understand the content related to the competency


