Nature of Things Documentary: The Power of Play

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Nature of Things Documentary: The Power of Play


Nature of Things Documentary: The Power of Play [44:09 mins]

Key Segments

If you would like to break up the viewing the following are the key segments to focus on:

· 0:00 – 15:08

· 15:09 – 25:54

· 25:55 – 44:09



An alternative is to watch the documentary online via CBC Gem (Links to an external site.) . Note, you will not need to sign-in to view, however your viewing is interrupted with ads.




The purpose of this assignment is for you to further explore the role of play in supporting young children’s health and well-being. In this assignment, you will watch and provide a response to the Nature of Things documentary “The Power of Play.” To further build on your learning from the documentary, you will search for two related scholarly works and share your findings. The format of this video response is a 4–⁠6 page written assignment.


There are two parts to this written assignment: (a) response based directly on “The Power of Play” documentary; and (b) independent research write-up inspired by the documentary. Where relevant, please draw on and reference course material.

Your written response to the video response should be:

· 4–⁠6 pages in length (+ references)

· 12-point font

· Times New Roman font

· Double-spaced

· References and in-text citations should align with  APA 7 guidelinesLinks to an external site.


Part 1: “The Power of Play” Response

Suggested Length: 3–⁠4 pages

Please watch the Nature of Things documentary “The Power of Play.”


0. You can access and view this documentary in a variety of ways:

· Watch the  entire documentary on (Links to an external site.)  which is licensed for educational use by the UBC Library. You can log-in using your UBC student email.

· Watch the  Nature of Things Documentary: The Power of Play   key segments as listed on the previous page.

· Available online via  CBC Gem (Links to an external site.) . Note, you will not need to sign-in to view, however your viewing is interrupted with ads.

1. As you watch, make note of:

· Key ideas that stand out to you;

· Connections to the course material and to children’s health and well-being; and

· Key play researchers and their work.

2. Then, write a response to each of the following four prompts:



· What was your overall impression of the documentary? (e.g., What are your general thoughts about the information presented? What did you think about the variety of research explored? To what extent do you think the documentary conveyed information clearly and effectively?)

· What three big ideas about play resonated with you and why?

· How do these big ideas connect to young children’s health and well-being and to the ideas explored in Module 3?

· What three researchers and their work stood out to you and why?


Part 2: Independent Research Write-Up

Suggested Length: 1–⁠2 pages

In Part 1, you identified three researchers and their work that stood out to you. In Part 2, you have the opportunity to further explore this work by doing a library (UBC library) and/or internet search (e.g., Google Scholar) for two related scholarly works.

· Scholarly “works” can include peer reviewed journal articles, books, or book chapters (e.g., chapter in an edited book or handbook).

· This work should either: (a) include at least one of your identified researchers as an author (e.g., Sandseter); or (b) build on the focus of your identified researcher’s work (e.g., Sandseter’s work on risky play).

· Once you have accessed and read two scholarly works, compose a brief write-up about each article/book/chapter. Your write-up should include:

· A full reference of the scholarly work, in alignment with APA 7 (as you would write it in a reference list);

· A brief description of the scholarly work and the key findings/ideas being presented and explored; and

· A brief description of how this work has shifted/expanded/changed your thinking about children’s play in relation to children’s health and well-being.