My Nursing Philosophy

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

My Nursing Philosophy

Post an explanation of your philosophy of nursing practice that briefly describes your nursing experience and area(s) of expertise. Be sure to explain your beliefs that inform your philosophy of nursing practice and your goals for expanding your experience and practice as a DNP (e.g., embrace of diversity, global health issues, collaboration). Then, explain the DNP role as a social change agent and recommend at least one way you will advocate for positive social change as a Walden DNP. Be specific and provide examples, with all citations in APA 7 style.

Assignment: My Nursing Philosophy

I believe that nursing should not be just a job or a means to a paycheck, but a calling with a life-long commitment to helping people. Nurses should always strive to provide non-bias care to all patients wherever and whenever they need it, so long as they are in a position to do so. Based on my practice as a registered nurse dealing with patients suffering from chronic diseases such as hypertension, stroke, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and HIV/AIDS, I see nursing as a responsibility owed to the public to provide patient-centered, holistic, and safe care to all.

Even though care needs should be informed by clinical judgments, nurses should not identify patients based on their room numbers or medical conditions but make it individualized and patient-centered.

Nurses also have the responsibility to promote and advocate for disease awareness and good health practices, educate the public, and support strong family values. This portrays nurses as advocates and educators of better health. To do this, they must keep abreast with new knowledge and skills in matters of health and care. Therefore, as agents of social change and better health, they must embrace a continuous learning habit through research, reading, and educational advancements.

This belief makes the foundation of my vision as a nurse to continue learning by reading journals, textbooks, articles, and magazines and interacting with other healthcare professionals, patients, and their families to obtain diverse opinions, knowledge, and skills. My personal core values, which I consider necessary for every nurse in the achievement of their goals, include patience, persistence, compassion, kindness, courage, honesty, lifelong learning, and support from the people in their surroundings.