Models and Conceptual Models for Advanced Nursing Practice

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  • Reading time:4 mins read
 Models and Conceptual Models for Advanced Nursing Practice
                Evaluate theories and conceptual models from nursing and related fields for use in advanced nursing practice.

Models and Conceptual Models for Advanced Nursing Practice

Advanced nursing practice entails the application of critical thinking as well as the application of theoretical background. Advanced nursing practice is based on philosophical underpinnings, epistemological, and methodological frameworks to provide ethical care to patients and the world that they live in (Yip, 2021). It is important to note that theory-guided practice has been seen to improve the quality of nursing care since it enables nurses to have an understanding of what they do for patients and the reasons behind it. The evolution of nursing practice and the healthcare setting requires that nurses use a systematic approach to healthcare delivery. Advanced practice registered nurses play the role of primary care providers while at the same provide preventive care services to the patient population.

Some of the conceptual models and theories that can be used in advanced nursing practice include the Adaptation Model of Nursing, Professional Advancement Model, Quality Caring Model, Interpersonal Relations Model, and Nursing Role Effectiveness Model among others. The nursing theories that can be applied include the Theory of the Deliberative Nursing Process, Self-Care Deficit Nursing theory, and the theory of Human Caring. The above nurse theories and conceptual models are likely to ensure that advanced nursing practice nurses deliver systematic care that is safe and based on the ethics of nursing practice.

For example, Benner’s novice-to-expert professional advancement model indicates professional growth. The first stage is a novice, the second stage is advanced beginner, the third stage is competent, the fourth stage is proficient and the fifth stage is expert. The above model indicates that nurses’ experience and understanding improve throughout their educational and professional background. The Quality-Caring Model focuses on the provision of relationship-based care which provides a framework for nursing practice. The deliberative nursing process theory consists of five stages which are assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.

The above theories and conceptual models are likely to ensure that advanced practice nurses provide quality and ethical care within the specialties that they are supposed to practice within. It is vital to note that APRNs diagnose and treat illnesses, provide education on health issues, provide continuous patient education and manage chronic illness. The management of a patient’s health is largely dependent on not only the characteristics of the patient but also on the relationships between the physician and the patient, the hospital environment, the expertise and the clinical experience of a nurse, and the resources available.

Both theories and conceptual models provide foundational knowledge which provides justifications for the actions that they carry out on patients and the reasons behind them (Younas  & Quennell, 2019). The nurses therefore in their different capacities will be able to articulate the methodologies that they apply in their practice hence improving patient satisfaction and trust in the care process. The dynamics in the healthcare sector as well as the emergence of new technologies and processes of care require that advanced nursing practice nurses use their advanced skills and knowledge to relate care processes with foundational knowledge.

Advanced practice nursing nurses are likely to hold senior positions in an organization due to their level of education, expertise, and clinical experience. Therefore, they have an active role to play in ensuring that the institutions employ use systems that can be accounted for to minimize legal suits associated with processes of care.




Yip J. (2021). Theory-Based Advanced Nursing Practice: A Practice Update on the Application of Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. SAGE open nursing7, 23779608211011993.

Younas, A., & Quennell, S. (2019). Usefulness of nursing theory‐guided practice: an integrative review. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences33(3), 540-555.