Medical law and ethic and exploring healthcare systems assignment

Medical Ethic and Law Assignment
Part 1
Create a possible ethical dilemma relating to your chosen field. For example: You are a Medical Assistant and your supervising physician consistently asks you to perform procedures that you are not trained for. Or, you are a Medical Biller and your supervisor has asked you to over bill certain procedures because the clinic that you work for is in financial trouble. Using the 7 Step Decision Making Model, apply the facts of your dilemma.
Part 2
Throughout this week, you read about managed care and third-party payers, the basic components of insurance.
Up until recent years the only options for the uninsured, if they qualified for it, were Medicare and Medicaid. With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, the landscape of insurance is changing.
For this week’s written assignment, read the following article:
Hamel, M.B., Blumenthal, D., Abrams, M., & Nuzum, R. (2015) The New England Journal of Medicine, 372, 2451-2458. Retrieved from
After reading the article, answer the following questions:
- What are your initial thoughts from the article?
- How do you think the Affordable Care Act improves health care for Americans?
- Who do you think will benefit the most from the Affordable Care Act? Why?
- Why are some states slower to participate than others?
- If you could create a healthcare plan for the United States, what would it include, who would be covered?
Part 3
Working in a diverse environment lends to the opportunity of a variety of people bringing forward different ideas to increase the patient experience. In your role as an allied healthcare professional, you will interact with patients from a variety of cultures, backgrounds, religious practices. For this week’s assignment predict at least 2 diversity issues that you might encounter in your role as an allied healthcare provider. How will these issues impact care? What can health care organizations do to assist their employees in providing care to a diverse patient population?
Part 4
The electronic medical record allows for an elevate level of treatment for a patient now that their medical history is now accessible to their treating healthcare provider with a click of the mouse. Although this technology can lead to a quicker diagnosis and cross-collaboration of providers, there remain some potential pitfalls. For this week’s written assignment, in a 1-2 page paper, research potential issues with the use of electronic medical records? Discuss the issues and define the problems. Provide applicable prevention tips to the issues. Finally, in your opinion, do you think that these issues can be 100% eliminated? Why or why not.
Part 5
This week you studied bioethical issues as they relate to the healthcare worker. For this week’s assignment, conduct independent research (outside of your text) for current bioethical issues. Provide three examples of current, bioethical issues and explain the surrounding ethical issues. For the second part of your paper, discuss the importance of the conscience clause. Should healthcare workers and facilities have the ability to refuse to perform certain procedures based on moral or religious objections?
Part 6
Currently there are several states in the U.S that have enacted Death with Dignity Statutes. The first state to enact such a law was Oregon. These statutes were not enacted without controversy. For this week’s written assignment, research one of the states that enacted a Death with Dignity statute. In your paper, summarize the applicable statute. Be sure to include information on how a patient would obtain the necessary means to end their life. For example, how do they qualify, what is the process to obtain the end of life medications, etc.? Share your thoughts about the Death with Dignity Statutes. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Exploring Healthcare Systems Assignment
Part 1
- Include at least 1 local hospital, 1 outpatient clinic, and 1 long-term care facility, and one free clinic or local health department.
- In your list include a paragraph about each organization, including whether they are for-profit or nonprofit, their approximate size (number of beds and/or physicians), and a link to their website.
( listen to this lecture and write a 2-3 paragraph of what you learn)
Part 2
- Welcoming the patient and inquiring about their condition.
- Discuss the office’s payment policy including:
- Payment must be made in full at the time of the visit OR a payment arrangement must be set up.
- Late fees will be assessed on missed payments.
- Provide the scenario with the patient checking out after their visit is complete:
- The total cost of the visit is $500, including the x-ray, cast and visit.
- Confirming the payment option (Patient determines to set-up payment arrangement with office)
Part 3
- Choose at least four different QIO’s and explain their mission, how they operate, and what areas of health care they impact.
- Be sure to include one QIO that is specific to the state where you reside.
- Your submission should be no less than 2 pages in length (double spaced).
Recommended QIO’s
Here is a list of some of the most highly regarded Quality Improvement Organizations in the United States to help you get started in your research. You do not have to choose from this list; they are just suggestions.
- Ambulatory Care Quality Alliance (AQA)
- American Medical Association Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement (AMA-PCPI)
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
- Institute of Medicine (IOM)
- National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)
- National Guideline Clearinghouse
- National Quality Forum
- Leapfrog Group
Part 4
- Explain the differences between HMO’s, and PPO’s, capitation, and fee for service. Include pros and cons of each.
- Define insurance plan terms including: deductibles, coinsurance, copays, and allowed amounts.
- Your submission should be no less than two pages in length and formatted in APA.
Part 5
- Define the International Classification of Disease and the World Health Organization. How are these two items related?
- Explain how ICD is utilized from both reimbursement and research perspectives. Discuss the history of ICD-9 and ICD-10 in the United States and how these two versions differ.
- Many countries use ICD-10. Choose a country from the following list and research when they began using ICD-10 and how they used ICD-10:
- United Kingdom
- Denmark
- Finland
- Sweden
- Norway
- France
- Australia
- Belgium
- Germany
- Canada