Logical framework activity health and medicine homework help

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Logical framework activity health and medicine homework help

if you’d like to practice a bit after the logical framework lecture, this is an activity for you. Please develop a logical framework for the CDSS PSA project with 4 levels of objectives, critical assumptions, verifiable indicators, and means of verification and post it here!

This is another student’s post to help you start the work
Verifiable Indicators Means of verification Critical assumptions
Goal Decrease harm associated with over-screening of PSA testing Decreased rate of prostate biopsies EMR data Patients agree with the risk/benefit analysis that recommends against PSA screening in all populations regardless of evidence based practices
Outcome Decrease rate of PSA screening in men with low and moderate life expectancy Rate of PSA testing EMR data Over-screening in vulnerable populations leads to greater risk of side effects from unnecessary testing and procedures without a substantial increase in benefit derived.
Output All JHCP providers use the education and CDSS tools to inform decision making re: screening Provider compliance with CDSS recommendations Chart review of randomly selected patients across all 10 JHCP sites Individual patient characteristics unaccounted for in the CDSS development process do not unduly impact provider compliance with the recommendations for testing.
  • Develop curriculum for shared decision making and PSA screening for providers
  • Develop CDSS to guide providers through the screening decision making process
  • Pilot test the CDSS with “super users” and a select focus group of patients
  • Expand implementation
  • Completion of web-based training modules by providers
  • Quarterly meetings of “super users”
  • Monitor completion rates of modules by individual providers
  • Review attendance of quarterly meetings (observation)
  • Providers are amenable to changing their practice
  • Implementation of the CDSS does not add significant time or administrative burden to the primary care e