Legal Requirements and Process

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Legal Requirements and Process

Setting a location is an important legal process that comes in the beginning of creating an organization like an orphanage. It requires the acquisition of a legal lease that can last between 10 to 15 years or a complete purchase of land to set the organization.

Getting the letters of support is another important legal procedure. The letters come from dignitaries, local panchayats, local businesses, dignitaries, and other entities deemed legal by the law to approve the establishment of an orphanage. These are imperatives in hastening up the registration process of the organization.

Registration of the organization comes later with the specification that it is a Society. It is a legal procedure that is conducted via the local “Registrar of Societies” office. The requirements for this registration are a Board of Trustees or Directors and By-laws as well as others that the office will specify.


Foley, E. (2009). The Finance Committee and Committee Chair Responsibilities | Nonprofit Accounting Basics. Retrieved 28 May 2022, from committee-chair-responsibilities.