Interpersonal communication

  • Post category:Business
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Interpersonal communication

Download an excel friendly version of all sections of the most recent annual financial statements from the Company Financials tab for the past 3 years.  Open the excel and analyze what has changed most dramatically in the past 3 years on each of the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement.   To do this, check and clean the data, then set up basic analytic formulas in excel to autocalculate for you as per the example in class (calculate the differences, set a threshold, and search for largest fluctuation or use conditional formatting to easily identify).
NOTE: An explanation cannot simply be “due to COVID.” As that has a broad impact economically in the last 3 years, if the reasons are in fact related in someway to COVID versus other business reasons, specifics must be given (sales, government grants, closed stores, rising inventory, etc relevant only to the company)