Integrative Review

The abstract is 150-200 words in length ( no more than 1 page). The abstract is structured by the following subheadings:
Research Methodology:
Results and Discussion:
Conclusions and Further Recommendations:
Keywords: (List 5 to 6 keywords in regular font here)
[Directions – a dedication provides the author with the opportunity to thank people who may have special meaning in the author’s life. For example – you may want to thank your spouse or a specific family member for their support during your doctoral education. The deduction does not need to be long but it should convey your appreciation for the contribution this or these individuals made in your life while you were a doctor of nursing practice student. The dedication is written as a part of your final DNP writing in NR709.]
[Directions – the acknowledgement page is reserved for the author to acknowledge the important role specific professional people have made towards the successful completion of the project. In the acknowledgement page, you may want to thank your professors, your preceptor, your mentor, or others. This is the perfect place to acknowledge the practicum site and your colleagues that supported you through the completion of your doctoral education. Again, the acknowledgement page does not need to be long, but it does need to include professionals that helped you during your education. This page is completed in NR709 as a part of your final writing.]
Contents 1 Abstract 2 Dedication 3 Acknowledgements 4 Introduction 6 Problem Statement 6 Significance of the Practice Problem 6 Theory or Translational Science Framework 7 Methodology 8 Review Protocol 8 Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria 8 Data Analysis 8 Results and Discussion 8 Characterization of the Body of Literature 8 Findings Synthesis: 9 Conclusions and Further Recommendations 9 Implications for Nursing Practice 9 Conclusions and Contributions to the Professions of Nursing 9 Recommendations 10 References 11 Appendix A 13
Title of Paper
The introduction section is 1-2 paragraphs in length. Note there is no heading that says Introduction. The paragraph or two following the title on the first page of your text is assumed to be your introduction. Your introduction follows the title of your paper (note it is not bolded). You should start your introduction with a powerful statement or two to stimulate interest. You should identify the purpose of your paper and provide a preview of what the paper will include. Remember formal papers are in third person so do not us e I, me, we, etc. Refer to yourself as the DNP student.
Problem Statement
The Practice Problem Statement section is 1 paragraph in length. Your introduction section should smoothly transition into your problem statement. It should flow logically from the information you provided. Include your inquiry question, which will provide direction for your work. Explain your approach to the problem and how your intervention would be addressed.
Significance of the Practice Problem
The Significance of the Practice Problem section is 1-2 pages in length. Start this section with identification of the practice problem. This section articulates the issue and its significance from both a global/nationwide perspective, as well as within the practicum site.
From a global/nationwide perspective, how does the issue impact nurses, nursing care, healthcare organizations, the quality of care being provided, society (costs, healthcare policy, etc.), the patient/client (e.g., pain, suffering, quality of life, impact on income potential, etc.), the family, healthcare system (e.g., impact on cost or delivery systems). Discuss the incidence and/or prevalence and include the financial impact, if at all possible. You might discuss the impact on length of stay, readmission, home health care requirements, disability and/or mortality. Also, you should address any quality, safety, legal, and ethical implications. This discussion must be substantiated by citations from professional literature. This also applies in regard to the impact of the issue within the practicum site.
Theory or Translational Science Framework
The Theory or Translation Science Framework section is 1-2 pages in length. The theory or translation science framework is appropriate to the problem and/or intervention and the student’s identified practice area. There is clear linkage between the components of the framework and the elements of the problem and/or intervention.
Methodology Review Protocol
The Review Protocol section is 1-2 pages in length. This section is written so that others can replicate the integrative review. There is a description in detail of how the integrative review was conducted, including a description of the search strategy, the selection of databases used, with justification and the search terms.
Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
The Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria section is 1-2 pages in length. The specific selection approach is discussed, with an explanation of the selection of sources included in the review.
Data Analysis
The Data Analysis section is 1-2 pages in length. Explains how data were extracted from the sources you selected for the integrative review, and describes how results from the studies were handled and combined. Explains the process for how the sources were analyzed, whether quantitatively or qualitatively, with a justification of the analytic methods you used and their appropriateness.
Results and Discussion
Characterization of the Body of Literature
The Characterization of the Body of Literature section is 2-4 pages in length. The characteristics of the body of literature provides a thorough review of the quality of the sources selected for the integrative review, the number of sources eliminated, the number of sources included, the various types of journals reviewed, and the methods you used for the review. The strengths and weaknesses of the sources are examined.
Findings Synthesis
The Findings Synthesis section is 5-8 pages in length. The findings synthesis offers a substantial thematic analysis or meta-analysis of the findings (in a met-analysis, numerical data is combined from multiple studies to draw new conclusions). The review of the literature covers all facets of the problem, intervention and outcomes with numerous (at least 15 primary research articles and/or systematic reviews no more than 5 years old) references linking the practice problem and the selected intervention. Direct quotations are not included, as synthesis of literature is expected.
The 15 (minimum) primary research studies and/or systematic reviews are included in Appendix A – The Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Individual Evidence Summary Tool. Only research evidence is included in the synthesis and on the evidence table. No secondary sources are included.
Conclusions and Further Recommendations
Implications for Nursing Practice
The Implications for Nursing Practice section is 1-2 pages in length. The implications of the project on nursing and healthcare is effectively described, based on the integrative review. The impact on the appropriate system (i.e., micro, meso, macro) and recommendations are included.
Conclusions and Contributions to the Professions of Nursing
The Conclusions and Contributions to the Professions of Nursing section is 1-2 pages in length.
The conclusion reviews the main topics presented and clearly and effectively summarizes significant conclusions from the integrative review. Conclusions should relate directly to your purpose and project question. They are generalizations that loop back to the existing literature on your topic. For each conclusion you make, cite the sources that support or contradict your findings. Conclusions indicate what is now known regarding nursing practice when your results and results from prior literature are considered together.
The Recommendations section is 1-2 pages in length. Recommendations based on the findings should be for the nursing profession and society in general, and to specific nursing leaders as mentioned in the significance portion. A summary of the major findings concludes the findings and interpretations portion with a transitional paragraph introducing the recommendations portion. Be sure to make specific recommendations for leaders in the nursing field and policy makers. Recommendations for future research should be detailed and extensive.
The References page begins on a new page and there must be a corresponding reference for every intext citation used within the paper. References are current (published within last five years or seminal studies), from peer-reviewed journals, minimal secondary sources, and all are appropriate to the identified nursing problem and intervention.