In your assignment, create a 9 – 11-page word document that addresses the following:

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:6 mins read

In your assignment, create a 9 – 11-page word document that addresses the following:

Be sure that you include each one of the requirements listed below.  To assist you with completing each component, an example of the activity sheet has been provided below.  Before beginning the activity think about your age group. Utilize the Center for Disease Control’s  This will help remind you of what your chosen age group is capable of. Then think about your goal. What is it you want the children to achieve? Your goal can be something simple. For example, if the milestone is a gross motor one, you goal will be for the child to improve his gross motor skills (see example below). Then you will write about the activity that will help the child achieve the goal you have set. This means that you will write a gross motor activity, for this section. When writing this activity, remember to keep in mind all the materials you will need to complete it (see example below). You will do the same for each section.  Remember, it is important in your final assignment that you show a complete understanding of each area of development. So, review the material you have learned these past five weeks and get creative!

Below is an example of one of the completed activities might look (be sure you do not copy this example):



In your assignment, create a 9 – 11-page word document that addresses the following:

· For the Center-Based Preschool Option

· Complete each section of the Activity Template

· To complete the sections for a Center-Based Preschool:

· Indicate the age group (3s, 4s or 5s)

· List the intended goals

· List all the materials that will be needed for each activity

· Explain in detail the process/teaching strategies that will be used for each activity

· Specify how each activity is developmentally appropriate for that age group.

· Instructor Tip: Preschoolers are mostly verbal and able to follow directionality. Keep in mind however, that there may be a wide range of developmental skill.  How will your activities be developmentally appropriate for everyone in your class?

· For the Center-Based Infant/Toddler Option

· Complete each section of the Activity Template

· To complete the sections for a Center-Based Infant/Toddler:

· Indicate the age group (3s, 4s or 5s) – Of the nine activities, three should be appropriate for young infants, three for mobile infants and three for toddlers.

· List the intended goals

· List all the materials that will be needed for each activity

· Explain in detail the process/teaching strategies that will be used for each activity

· Specify how each activity is developmentally appropriate for that age group.

· Instructor Tip: Infants and Toddlers can range widely in their developmental abilities. Some children may have more language and have progressed further in their gross motor development than others. Keep this in mind when planning for this age group. With such a wide range, how will you adjust activities so they are developmentally appropriate for everyone?

· For the Early Childhood (4 – 8 years old) Option

· Complete each section of the Activity Template

· To complete the sections for Early Childhood:

· Indicate the age group (4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

· List the intended goals

· List all the materials that will be needed for each activity

· Explain in detail the process/teaching strategies that will be used for each activity

· Specify how each activity is developmentally appropriate for that age group.

· Instructor Tip: To keep their attention, older children will need hands on activities that engage their interests. How will your activities engage the students in your classroom?

For this assignment, you must submit

· A link to your electronic portfolio in Portfolium. To do this you will copy and paste the web address into the comments feature in Waypoint.

· A Word document including your completed assignment, as well as the link to your ePortfolio.

· Instructor Tip: If you need assistance in your writing please reach out to the Ashford Writing Center. It has many resources to assist you and is there to help!




“Teaching is not about answering questions but about raising questions-opening doors for them in places they just could not imagine”- Yawar Baig



All images used under license from istock

Berk, (2013). Child development (9th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Eliason, C. & Jenkins, L. (2012). A practical guide to early childhood curriculum (9th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Required Resources

Required Text

Jaruszewicz, C. (2019).  Curriculum and methods for early childhood educators  [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

· Chapter 11: Language, Literacy, and Language Arts

Web Pages

Missy Gardiner Weeks. (n.d.). Literacy bags (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from

· This web page offers several visual examples of literacy bags for the preschool and elementary classroom. This resource will be useful for completing the Literacy Backpacks discussion. Accessibility Statement does not exist. Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)

Pre-K Pages. (n.d.). Take home backpacks (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from

· This web page showcases several ideas for Buddy Bags that can be implemented in preschool literacy programs. This resource will be useful for completing the Literacy Backpacks discussion. Accessibility Statement does not exist Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)



Recommended Resources

Supplemental Material

Zaur, J., & Bodamer, K. (n.d.).  Early childhood and child development: Lesson plan handbook . Retrieved from

· This supplement is a Constellation course digital materials (CDM) title. This handbook provides students with information about how to create an effective lesson plan and may assist in the Developmentally Appropriate Activity Planning project. Accessibility Statement does not exist. Privacy Policy does not exist.