In response to a simulated business case study and a scenario, you will design and develop templates and standard text for two types of business documentation in accordance with business requirements and style guidelines

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:8 mins read

In response to a simulated business case study and a scenario, you will design and develop templates and standard text for two types of business documentation in accordance with business requirements and style guidelines

business documentation
business documentation

Assessment Task 2 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development


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Design and develop templates and

standard text

Submission details

Candidate’s name Phone no.

Assessor’s name Phone no.

Assessment site

Assessment date/s Time/s

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this

arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for


Performance objective

You will need to demonstrate skills and knowledge required to design and develop

templates and develop standard text for documents in an organisational context.

Assessment description

In response to a simulated business case study and a scenario, you will design and

develop templates and standard text for two types of business documentation in

accordance with business requirements and style guidelines. You will submit templates to

others for feedback, then you will improve and resubmit your final templates. You will also

prepare a written reflection in which you will demonstrate knowledge of the document

production process.

Assessment Task 2 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

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1. Read the scenario below.

2. In response to the scenario, and referring as required to the Adept Owl simulated

business documentation provided, evaluate the purpose, audience and information

requirements for a letter template and an expense report.

3. Develop a draft letter template, including standard text, that:

a. meets scenario requirements including information and audience

requirements for standard text, style and tone

b. follows the Adept Owl style guide

c. includes at least one suitable editing macro (remember, to save a macro in a

template, you need to Save As a Macro-Enabled Template)

d. includes fields for use with mail-merge.

4. Develop a draft expense report template (see example in Appendix 1) that:

a. meets organisational requirements set out in the scenario

b. includes at least one suitable macro to improve the usability of the expense

report template

c. includes one other feature such as drop-down lists or form fields to further

automate or standardize document production.

5. Agree a timeframe for usability testing with your assessor (acting in the role of a

senior manager)

6. Develop a testing schedule in accordance with agreed timeframe.

7. Conduct peer usability testing with fellow learners and collect written feedback on

templates. Specifically request feedback on readability, appearance and usability.

Submit draft templates to assessor, who, in the role of a senior manager will

provide feedback for improving template design from the standpoint of the


8. Make improvements to the two templates to incorporate feedback.

9. Print a hard copy of the final expense report according to organisational


10. Write a reflection in which you describe the process you undertook to design and

develop standard text for the letter template and expense report template. Ensure

you include a description of how you:

a. incorporated organisational and audience needs into your templates

b. reviewed, evaluated and selected technology and complex technical

functions for use in automating document production, matching document

requirements with software functions

c. reviewed and selected document designs and layout in accordance with

organisational house style requirements

Assessment Task 2 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

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d. efficiently planned and tested templates and gathered feedback on usability

within agreed timeframe. Describe user feedback. Describe testing process:

testing of macros; testing of mail merge.

11. Submit documents to your assessor within an agreed timeframe. Ensure your

documents reflect specifications as outlined below. Keep copies of all submitted

materials for your records.

Adept Owl scenario: Design and develop standard text

As a new member of the administration team, with a responsibility for team leadership

and document design and development, you will need to lead and manage template


One of the most common tasks undertaken by the administration team is writing letters

to both internal and external customers. To conform to business requirements, such

letters need to adhere to Adept Owl house styles and use Microsoft Word. The team and

organisation require easy-to-use templates to facilitate letter writing and editing for a

range of purposes and associated information content, for example marketing mail-outs

and internal communication. Macros may be useful for a range of editing functions:

● replacing multiple spaces with a single space

● replacing soft returns with paragraph breaks

● removing spaces that occur directly before or after paragraph breaks

● removing spaces that occur directly before or after tabs

● replacing multiple tabs with a single tab.

Currently, letters are created from scratch. Mass mail-outs present a problem for

efficiency as letters are created individually. This practice presents a problem with respect

to consistency and wastage of resources.

In particular, a letter template for production delays is sorely needed to standardise the

organisation’s communications with affected customers. See Appendix 1 for content

requirements and audience needs.

Another type of document the organisation currently lacks standard templates or

processes for is expense reporting. Staff use a range of methods to report expenses.

There are several problems associated with this arrangement. Staff filling out reports

complain about the time needed to input expenses. Administration staff complain about

the lack of consistency, including incorrect or incomplete coding of expenses.

There are several business needs associated with expense reporting. For example,

allowable expenses codes are:

● Food

● Transportation

● Communication

● Training

● Other.

Assessment Task 2 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

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See Appendix 1 for details on information and formatting needs for both the letter and

spreadsheet templates.

Finally, according to recent staff feedback, an expense report template that takes

advantage of time-saving macros is required. For example, macros could save time by

clearing fields or calculating totals.


You must provide:

● draft and final templates for a letter and an expense report

● testing schedule

● copies of the written feedback on templates, for example mark-ups, emails, notes

● written reflection on process of document production undertaken.

Your assessor will be looking for templates and a written reflection that demonstrate:

● literacy skills to:

○ read and interpret policies and procedures

○ review and select technological designs

○ consider aspects of context, purpose and audience when designing and

formatting texts

● technological skills to manage design requirements and layouts

● knowledge of document production processes

● knowledge of the functions of a range of software applications, including desktop

publishing (formatting), word processing and spreadsheets

● knowledge of organisational policies and procedures relating to document design

and formatting.

Adjustment for distance-based learners

● No changes are required to the assessment procedures or specifications.

● Templates can be provided to testers (fellow learners and assessor) electronically

(via email, social media, etc.) and feedback received electronically (via email, social

media, etc.).

● Submitted documents may be in electronic (or paper-based format where relevant).

Assessment Task 2 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

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Appendix 1: Information and formatting requirements

Production delay letter template


● Opening paragraph: thanking the customer for their purchase and informing there

is a delay

● Body content: apologising for delay; stating the reasons for the delay, and expected

date of delivery

● Closing paragraph apology for inconvenience and an invitation for contact if



● Professional

● Formal language


● Friendly

● Apologetic

Assessment Task 2 BSBADM506 Manage business document design and development

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd 1st edition version: 1

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Expense reporting spreadsheet template


● Spreadsheet must be able to be printed on a single A4 page; landscape or portrait.


● Data entry must be constrained to: date format only.

● Data entry must be formatted to: short date form.


● Must be chosen from list: Sales & Marketing, Administration, Executive, Operations,

Dispatch, Logistics.

Expense types:

● Must be chosen from list: Food; Transportation; Communication; Training; Other.

Item description:

● Data entry must be constrained to: text only.

● Data entry must be formatted to: italics.

Client ID number:

● Must be chosen from list: NA, AO-2006-0046, AO-2006-0050, AO-2008-0049, AO-

2009-0047, AO-2009-0051, AO-2009-0052, AO-2009-0053, AO-2010-0045, AO-


Purchase or estimated amount, value or cost:

● Data entry must be formatted to: accounting.

Receipt attached?

● Must be chosen from list: Yes, No.

Example spreadsheet: