Imagine you are presenting at a national healthcare administration conference, and have been selected to hold a seminar for new managers in the…

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Imagine you are presenting at a national healthcare administration conference, and have been selected to hold a seminar for new managers in the…

Imagine you are presenting at a national healthcare administration conference, and have been selected to hold a seminar for new managers in the healthcare field. A PowerPoint presentation on the organization of healthcare systems into primary, secondary, and tertiary care organizations. Be sure to address the following:

Explain how these three levels complement each other and differ from each other.

Determine why there are three levels.

Within each level are additional types of healthcare organizations such as community health centers, group practice and health maintenance organizations. Identify and describe at least five of these types. Then, explain how they integrate into the primary, secondary, tertiary structure.

Provide specific examples where appropriate.