I need a reply to this about one paragraph

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

I need a reply to this about one paragraph

One of the roles of government agencies (federal, state, and local) is to develop standards and policies for healthcare delivery and systems. This is done by promoting health within the entire population, which results in promoting health in each individual. The projected result is to prevent disease and injury by reducing risk in our population (Aziz, 2017). The use of public health informatics could be considered one of the most useful systems in addressing disease surveillance, epidemics, natural disasters, and bioterrorism (Aziz, 2017). Also, public health systems provide a systematic approach with the use of technology and information to assist in the areas of prevention, preparedness, surveillance, and health promotion.

At the federal level, the CDC is involved with public health informatics. As an example, one of the roles of the CDC is to enhance public health surveillance. The latter needs funding and assistance, especially when this program is going to assist both state and local agencies. The federal government standards help in the surveillance system for state and local governments. In the development of these standards, the CDC has identified some areas of opportunities. For these new-found areas, the CDC (Federal) can provide additional funding for the development of health IT solutions. As an example, one of these funds is the Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) program, which is funded by ARRA through the ONC (Savel & Foldy, 2012). The CDC oversees the funding for these programs which can aid both state and local governments.