how to respond to students response

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

how to respond to students response

The Holy Bible states “Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established” (Proverbs 16:3, King James Version). This is one of many scriptures that Christian health administrators can consider when handling multiple adversaries pertaining to health care finance. Health care finance has been the center of discussions for years because of the complexity of cost, for example, treating a patient with or without coverage. There are different variables that play a role in determining cost of care and payment of care. Right now, the U.S is fragmented leaving individuals without coverage or less accessible care. This in turn leads to a sicker population than those with more accessible healthcare. Health administrators, through God, have a responsibility to be wise in decision making looking for ways to utilize all resources available through proper planning. This may require the health administrator to gather as much data on the population of service based on different scenarios to come up with plans to take care of those people in need. By utilizing resources, administrators can begin closing the gap on missed opportunities on accessibility of care to all individuals while being cost effective. When planning, health administrators need to remain centered on Christ praying for guidance. Therefore, as health administrators we are stewards and must remember the things of the world are not ours to do as we please but for the will of God and we should look for his guidance and instructions for finance for the betterment of the people. With God’s leadership we can find ways to plan accordingly with finances while streamlining ways to help as many people as we can to be cost effective and increase accessibility of care to those who lack the resources for coverage.

120 words either agreeing disagreeing or relating to them