Healthcare law and ethics 2

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Healthcare law and ethics 2

The final research paper will synthesize theoretical frameworks and the impact of ethics and law on the healthcare industry. Also, this paper will focus on the historical aspect of medical experimentation and research and the involvement of marginalized populations and their ethical implications for the healthcare industry. For example, you can select a medical experiment, such as the Nazi War Crimes, the Eugenics Project, or the Mississippi Appendectomy and discuss the lack of IRB approval or signed consent. History has demonstrated that there have been many atrocities perpetuated on marginalized individuals in the medical community. Your research should focus on the impact that untoward events have had on health outcomes. You CANNOT write your research paper solely on the Tuskegee Experiment, you may however reference the Tuskegee Experiment. Your research should demonstrate a comprehensive view of law and ethics in the healthcare industry. You will be graded on content and grammar.

(10-12 pages)