Health race and gender environment crime poverty economy

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Health race and gender environment crime poverty economy

1. Discuss the organization of healthcare in the United States. Make sure your answer

includes the following concepts: fee for service medicine, the 20/80 problem, adverse selection,

risk pooling, government spending on healthcare, and medical insurance. How do these issues

affect the Obama healthcare reforms? Respond to the Obama reforms (either support or


2. Discuss undocumented immigration focusing on those from Mexico. What is the major

factor that brings these immigrants to the U.S.? What is their impact on the country (

government services, taxes, labor markets, poverty, crime, etc.) Use one of the theories of

prejudice and apply it to the situation of undocumented immigrants. How does the situation of

undocumented immigrants relate to the wider Latino community?

3. Discuss global warming. What is it and causes it. What is the role of the newly

industrializing countries (China and India) ? What is the role of the advanced industrialized

countries? What impact does population growth play in this problem?

4. Discuss the relationship between punishment and crime. Make sure you address both

incapacitation and deterrence. How does the U.S. compare to other countries in regards to

punishment? Apply this discussion of punishment to the crime of murder.

5. What are the myths and realities of welfare. Discuss changes in the welfare system (AFDC

vs TANF). Contrast the Social Security system with the welfare system.