Guidelines for Submission

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Guidelines for Submission

Do 2-1 Activity Annotated Bibliography template is attached below

Do 2-2 video journal-

In a 1- to 2-minute video journal, explain what makes a resource both credible and ethical based on your course resources as well as your personal opinions. This is also a great opportunity to practice using appropriate body language and tone, eliminating vocalized pauses (not saying uh, um, etc.), and eye contact with your audience (or in this case, camera).


Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Credible Resources: Describe what makes a resource credible, how to evaluate a resource for credibility, and why it is important to use credible resources.
  • Ethical Resources: Describe what makes a resource ethical, how to evaluate a resource to determine its ethics, and why it is important to use ethical resources.
  • Oral Citation(s): Include at least one oral citation for a course resource to support your response.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your response as a 1- to 2-minute video recording using Bongo.