Greet my three classmate

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Greet my three classmate


Hi everyone! Sorry for the late post as I had issues with some of my elective credits thus enrolling me in this course kind of late notice. My name is John, I’m originally from Philadelphia but currently living in Houston, TX. I have a son who is about to turn 10 years old. I pretty much already finished my BA in Journalism but had some elective credits not make it through. I chose this course because it seems interesting and an opposite from my major of Journalism and Mass Communication.I enjoy writing about history and politics. Eventually I plan on getting into politics after becoming a Journalist.I don’t have much of a science related background so what I learn here, may help me learn more about the human anatomy.Best of luck to everyone!

Hello Class,My name is Eugene Early I’m a 28 year old truck driver and Army veteran originally from Baltimore, MD but I now reside in Huntsville, AL. I’m engaged to a wonderful woman & we have 3 beautiful children, 1 girl & 2 boys. My original education plans were to get a degree in Logisitics & Supply Chain Management but I’ve recently had a change of heart and want to become an RN so I’m finishing my prerequisite courses with Ashford before  I enroll in a local college. In my personal life I am very passionate about my children and their development, though my boys are toddlers I use various age appropriate educational games & videos. I understand that more important than what we accomplish is the work our offspring are able to accomplish. In my professional life I’m passionate about creating and building successful business, I’m actually in the middle of purchasing my 1st commercial truck and reserving a new electric truck thats set to make it’s debut in the trucking world next year. This course will help me in the nursing field because I must understand the human body and how it functions in order to succeed. I’ve always enjoyed watching medical procedures but with this course I can gain some knowledge of what I’m actually looking at.

Hello everyone! My name is Charrissa Hensel.Here is a little bit of information about me.

I live in a small town in Illinois with my husband and only son. I have been attending Ashford for many years now. I am in pursuit of my BA degree in healthcare administration while minoring in human resource management. Currently, I am a full-time employee, student, mom, and wife. It can be quite taxing sometimes but ultimately, I can’t wait for the future because I know I am making myself better today. Currently, I work for Cigna Healthcare and plan on utilizing my degree to move up the corporate ranks. I just accepted a position as a Client Service Coordinator and Implementation Associate, so I am grateful to be able to use my current education in my daily duties.One thing I am passionate about in my personal life is my family.In my professional life I am very passionate about being the best that I can within my current duties.I believe this course will provide me a foundation for future courses because….

I don’t believe this will provide me a foundation for future courses as this is my last class before graduation. However, I do believe that this course will assist with success in future endeavors within the healthcare career path.