Global Business Cultural Analysis Instructions

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:8 mins read

Global Business Cultural Analysis Instructions

BUSI 604 280-Point

GBCA Rubric


Criteria Levels of Achievement
Content 70%

196 points total

Advanced 92-100% Proficient 84-91% Developing 1-83% Not present
Research Question 1 49 to 45 points

All 8 dimensions of culture are covered in terms of the general societal deployment of the dimensions.

44 to 41 points

Most of the 8 dimensions of culture are covered in terms of the general societal deployment of the dimensions.

40 to 1 points

Some of the 8 dimensions of culture are covered in terms of the general societal deployment of the dimensions.

0 points
Research Question 2 49 to 45 points

All 8 dimensions of culture are covered in terms of the daily business dealings in the nation.

44 to 41 points

Most of the 8 dimensions of culture are covered in terms of the daily business dealings in the nation.

40 to 1 points

Some of the 8 dimensions of culture are covered in terms of the daily business dealings in the nation.

0 points
Research Question 3 49 to 45 points

All points of comparison and contrasts are covered, including a Hofstede analysis.

44 to 41 points

Most points of comparison and contrasts are covered, including a Hofstede analysis.

40 to 1 points

Some points of comparison and contrasts are covered, including a Hofstede analysis.

0 points
Research Question 4 49 to 45 points

All concluding aspects of the research question were covered, including a SWOT analysis and a FDI analysis.

44 to 41 points

Most concluding aspects of the research question were covered, including a SWOT analysis and a FDI analysis.

40 to 1 points

Some concluding aspects of the research question were covered, including a SWOT analysis and a FDI analysis.

0 points
Structure 30%

84 points total

Advanced 92-100% Proficient 84-91% Developing 1-83% Not present
APA-compliant abstract 30 to 28 points

All APA requirements for this item are included.

27 to 25 points

Most APA requirements for this item are included.

24 to 1 points

Some APA requirements for this item are included

0 points
APA-compliant level headings 8 points

All APA requirements for this item are included.

7 points

Most APA requirements for this item are included

6 to 1 points

Some APA requirements for this item are included

0 points
APA-compliant pagination 8 points

All APA requirements for this item are included.

7 points

Most APA requirements for this item are included

6 to 1 points

Some APA requirements for this item are included

0 points
APA-compliant spacing: lines and between paragraphs 8 points

All APA requirements for this item are included.

7 points

Most APA requirements for this item are included

6 to 1 points

Some APA requirements for this item are included

0 points
APA-compliant citations and references 30 to 28 points

All APA requirements for this item are included.

27 to 25 points

Most APA requirements for this item are included

24 to 1 points

Some APA requirements for this item are included

0 points




Note the following submission scenarios:

1. The GBCA has only four required sections. Only the four required sections will earn credit in terms of content page count. You may include other sections, but these will not earn credit and be subtracted from the overall content page count (refer to point 2 below).

2. A minimum of 24-pages of content is required, this number excludes the title page, abstract, references, and conclusion. Thus each page of content is worth 12.5% of the total grade; thus, 12.5 points will be deducted for each page of content missing (refer to point 1 above).

3. SafeAssign score exceeding the threshold of 16% will be considered as academic dishonesty, and no points will be given for the entire assignment. Since the software may add your previous draft submissions/required level headings/references/etc., these are considered as “phantom” additions. Your professor will remove all “phantom” items from your final score, resulting in your true SafeAssign score.





Global Business Cultural Analysis Instructions


The purpose of this research project is for you to write a professional, graduate-level research paper in current APA format. Competency in current APA format is required of all business graduates of Liberty University, as set forth by policy of both the graduate faculty and the administration.


You will research and write a paper analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation. You will select a nation to study, and have approximately 8 modules/weeks to research and write the paper. Your professor will provide a list of approved nations by the second day of the course. Select a nation, then begin working on the project.


After reading your paper, the reader should be able to comprehensively answer the following research questions. Thus, the research questions form the major aspects (APA Level 1 headings) of your outline.


· What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region? (See Chapter 2 of the textbook for a list of the required dimensions.)

· How are these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in the nation?

· How do both of the above items compare with US culture and business?

· What are the implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in that region?


Important Points to Consider

This paper must be written in strict conformance to current APA format, and contain a minimum of 24 pages of content (excluding the title page, abstract, and references) utilizing at least 24 references from reputable professional and/or scholarly journals and/or informational venues that deal with the content of the course (i.e., not blogs, Wikipedia, newspapers, etc.).


1. Use the following as the exact title of your paper, Global Business Cultural Analysis: (insert nation selected)

2. The paper must consist of only 4 sections, as indicated above . Do not add sections, or revise the research questions.

3. The paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word file through the SafeAssign link in Module/Week 8.

4. Three SafeAssign draft links will be provided in the Assignments folder of Module/Week 5 for you to use to improve your originality score prior to your final submission.

5. Three levels of current APA headings must be used throughout the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper.


Some students do not fully understand the difference between plagiarism and paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is when you take a source or someone else’s idea and say it in your own words. When you paraphrase, you must still give the author’s name, date, title of the source, the scholarly journal from where it came, and the exact website address or book from where it came. However, when you directly quote a source, it must have quotation marks around the quote, or (if 40 words or more) it must be set in block quotation format. Give detailed information of where you acquired the quote.


For the purpose of this academic paper, adhere to the following rules when quoting or using a source:


· Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any 1 source.

· If the source is 2,000 words or less, do not directly quote more than 50 words from it.

· Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within the whole document for quoting or paraphrasing.

· Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or page numbers of the quote and this information must be placed in the reference.

· In all instances, use current APA guidelines for citations and references.


Email your professor with any questions regarding the Global Business Cultural Analysis.


Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Wdnesday of Module/Week 8.