forum question 55

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

forum question 55

This is a discussion between students in a class Forum I need a apply to this student with at least 170 words. Your thoughts? Please your own words, No Plagiarism please

Class, Working in construction for many years, unions have made their stance from labors, operating engineers, teamsters, pipefitters, electricians, and the list goes on. Small construction companies do not usually go union, it is just too expensive, it depends on the size of the project they are bidding, and the number of employees they will need to finish the project. A problem that began a few years back was, if a project enacted a 2-gate system, one for union entry and the other for non-union entry, this weakened the unions ability to prevent non-union workers from entering a project to work. If a union was to strike, it would have little impact getting a job completed. Now in the bay area here in California, unions are strong. Its hard to enforce union labor laws unless everyone is union. I belonged to a union when I first started out and I can say they did little for me and my family. So, I pursued a company that was non-union, they paid me better than union wages and provided a better healthcare and retirement plan and life insurance, they provided me a truck and phone, everything I would need to do my job and do it right and efficiently. Doing this allowed the company to compete with union companies.