fill in the type of research and effect in carrer development

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

fill in the type of research and effect in carrer development

NOTE:Using your economic value preposition (UEVP)Choose 1 health-care-related topic in any area or function of interest (e.g., quality improvement, health care systems of care) and combine this with 1 of the areas of prospective practice (e.g., community-based, not-for-profit, acute-care hospital, for-profit urban hospital, public health facility).


Description:Locate at least 4 contemporary, peer-reviewed articles or dissertation or thesis research studies that are qualitative in nature (e.g., case studies, historical)related to your topic .

Type of research and sources 😕

Impact on career development 😕


Description :Locate at least 4 contemporary peer-reviewed articles or dissertation or thesis research studies that are quantitative or mixed-methods in nature (experimental, quasi-experimental, descriptive or pre-experimental/survey, etc.) related to your topic of interest

Type of research and sources:

Impact on career development :

UNIT 3:Develop a qualitative or quantitative research proposal based the information derived from Unit 1 and Unit 2.

Type of research and sources:

impact on career development :

UNIT 4: synthesize and evaluate research articles from Unit 1and 2. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the related topics, and the reliability of the research itself, and the recommendations and the impact of healthcare.

Type of research and sources:

impact on career development :