Facilitation Skills and Project capstone

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Facilitation Skills and Project capstone

Facilitation Skills and Project capstone
Facilitation Skills and Project capstone

Nursing homework help

Parts 1 and 2 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Part 1: Facilitation Skills

Topic: Assessing Client Readiness and Motivation

You learned about two theories of human behavior that relate to clients’ readiness to change and motivation to change: transtheoretical stages and social cognitive. You also learned about the kinds of data collected from clients that are important in the assessment of readiness to change and motivation.

1 Briefly define the following and give an example of each (Four paragraphs: (One paragraph for “a”; One paragraph for “b and c”; One paragraph for “d and e”; One paragraph for “f and g”)

a. The transtheoretical stages (precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and relapse/termination)

b. Social cognitive theory

c. Self-efficacy

d. Discounting

e. Internal locus of control

f.  External locus of control

g. Placebo effect

3. How can social cognitive theory be applied to assess a client’s capacity to change? (One paragraph)

4. Describe the factor that you believe influence a client’s motivation the most. Why? (One paragraph)

Part 2: Facilitation Skills

Topic: Assessing Client Readiness and Motivation

You learned about two theories of human behavior that relate to clients’ readiness to change and motivation to change: transtheoretical stages and social cognitive. You also learned about the kinds of data collected from clients that are important in the assessment of readiness to change and motivation.

1 Briefly define the following and give an example of each (Four paragraphs: (One paragraph for “a”; One paragraph for “b and c”; One paragraph for “d and e”; One paragraph for “f and g”)

a. The transtheoretical stages (precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, and relapse/termination)

b. Social cognitive theory

c. Self-efficacy

d. Discounting

e. Internal locus of control

f.  External locus of control

g. Placebo effect

3. How can social cognitive theory be applied to assess a client’s capacity to change? (One paragraph)

4. Describe the factor that you believe influence a client’s motivation the most. Why? (One paragraph)

Part 3: Project Capstone

Topic: Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Adolescents

PICOT question: Can the implementation of a 2-month program on sexually transmitted diseases in adolescents aged 14 to 17 years improve their knowledge about the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases compared to their knowledge before the program’s implementation?

1. Give three major reasons of why the Health Promotion Model is the best option to use to address the PICOT question (Three paragraphs: One paragraph per each reason)

Part 4: Project Capstone

Topic: Reduction of Errors Caused by Incompatibility of Intravenous Medications

PICOT question: Is it possible that the rate of errors due to incompatibility of intravenous medications is reduced by implementing a training program for nurses for 8 weeks, compared to the rate of errors before training?

1. Give three major reasons why Watson’s Caring Theory is the best option to use to address the PICOT question (Three paragraphs: One paragraph per each reason)

Part 5: Project Capstone

Topic: Turnover Rates due to Burnout in Healthcare

PICOT question: Is it possible that the turnover rate due to burnout is reduced after implementing a mental health program for 10 weeks, compared to the nurses’ turnover rate before the program?

1. Give three major reasons why Betty Neuman’s nursing theory is the best option to use to address the PICOT question (Three paragraphs: One paragraph per each reason)