Evaluate the context of workplace issues, public policies, and management decisions

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:4 mins read

 Evaluate the context of workplace issues, public policies, and management decisions

aNote: On dates when a case or article (i.e., any readings outside the textbook) is assigned, please

bring that reading to class.


*No formal team case presentations tonight. Come to class having prepared this case individually.

Date Topic Readings/Assignments (due at beginning of class

unless otherwise noted)

Class 1

Sept 4

Course Introduction

What is Strategy?

Chapters 1 and 2

Class 2

Sept 11

SWOT/External Analysis Chapter 3


Class 3

Sept 18

SWOT/External Analysis


Chapter 3

*961 Beer Case

Case team agreements due

Class 4

Sept 25

No Class Meeting: Plan to work on Part I of team project

Class 5

Oct 2

SWOT/Internal Analysis


Chapter 4

RoboTech Case

Class 6

Oct 9

Competitive Advantage and Firm



Chapter 5

Reinventing Best Buy Case

Class 7

Oct 16

Business Strategy:

Differentiation, Cost Leadership,

and Integration


Chapter 6

Big Spaceship Case

Part 1 of Team Project due by 4pm

Class 8

Oct 23

Business Strategy: Innovation and

Strategic Entrepreneurship;

Blue Ocean Strategy

Team meetings with professor

Chapter 7

Article: Blue Ocean Strategy


Class 9

Oct 30

Corporate Strategy: Vertical

Integration and Diversification

Team time in class

Chapter 8


Class 10

Nov 6

Corporate Strategy: Acquisitions,

Alliances, and Networks

Chapter 9

Walt Disney Case

Class 11

Nov 13

Global Strategy: Competing

Around the World

Chapter 10

Yili Group Case

Nov 20 No class (change in designation of class days due to Thanksgiving)

Class 12

Nov 27

Strategy Implementation and

Organizational Design

Chapter 11

Renault-Nissan Case

Class 13

Dec 4

Course Wrap-up

Team time in class Korea Telecom: Building a GiGAtopia Case

Class 14

Dec 11 Team Presentations ALL Team Projects due by 9am

Class 14

Dec 18 Final Exam





Required Readings


Students are responsible for accessing and completing all readings prior to the class for which the

readings are assigned. Required readings listed on the course schedule can be obtained as follows:


 Rothaermel, F.T. 2017. Strategic Management: Concepts, 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.


(All assigned chapters appear in the course textbook)

Available at Livingston Campus bookstore, at Cengage.com, and on reserve at Kilmer Library.



 Harvard Business School Publishing Access to the following readings can be purchased on the Harvard Business School Publishing

website using the following link:



1. Case: 961 Beer: Launching a Lebanese Brewing Company 2. Case: RoboTech: Storming into the U.S. Market 3. Case: Reinventing Best Buy 4. Case: Big Spaceship: Ready to Go? 5. Case: The Walt Disney Company and Pixar Inc.: To Acquire or Not Acquire? 6. Case: Yili Group: Building a Global Dairy Company 7. Case: Renault-Nissan: The Challenge of Sustaining Strategic Change 8. Case: Korea Telecom: Building a GiGAtopia


Note: In addition to the above cases, you may be required to purchase one additional case

later in the semester for the exam.



 The “Blue Ocean Strategy” article is available in the Resources section of the Course Sakai site.





SMLR Learning Objectives of HR Strategy II


 Written & Oral Communication – Communicate effectively at a level and in modes appropriate to an entry level professional.

o Communicate complex ideas effectively, in standard written English

o Analyze and synthesize information and ideas from multiple sources to generate

new insights

o Produce quality research papers with proper convention of attribution/citation

o Produce high quality executive summaries

o Make an argument using contemporary and/or historical evidence

o Present ideas and arguments in a logical and effective way


 Theoretical Perspectives – Demonstrate an understanding of relevant theories and apply them given the background context of a particular work situation.

o Demonstrate an understanding of the practical perspectives, theories and concepts

in their field of study

o Evaluate and apply theories from social science disciplines to workplace issues


 Understanding Context – Evaluate the context of workplace issues, public policies, and management decisions

o Analyze the degree to which forms of human difference shape a person’s

experience of, and perspectives on work

o Analyze a contemporary global issue in their field from a multi-disciplinary


o Analyze issues related to business strategies, organizational structures, and work


o Analyze issues related to the selection, motivation, and development of talent in a

global context


 Application – Demonstrate an understanding of how to apply knowledge necessary for effective work performance

o Apply concepts and substantive institutional knowledge, to understanding

contemporary developments related to work

o Understand the legal, regulatory and ethical issues related to their field

o Develop human resource management functional capabilities used to select,

motivate, and develop workers

o Understand the internal and external alignment and measurement of human

resource practices