ethics discussion question 4

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:3 mins read

ethics discussion question 4

Adnswer each 4 separate questions clear and concise must be in APA style with references.

  • According to the theory of Social Constructionism, people acquire social knowledge from four sources: personal experiences, significant others (peers, family, and friends; also called conversational reality), other social groups and institutions (schools, unions, churches, government agencies), and the media.
  • Which do you think is most powerful and why? Provide at least two useful examples.

Ansell describes many methods by which the media and companies frame the truth, present bad news, and compel messages. Find an example where a company or entity (be it a public figure, private or public) has come forward with “bad news.”

  • Was the primary reason the entity came forward internal or external?
  • Cite the example, provide a link.
  • Describe the sequence of events that compelled the entity to come forward?
  • Different media outlets frame stories differently; how did media sources frame the story (provide examples and links)?
  • Find an example of an interview or press release and compare it to internal perspective to how the media portrayed the same.

Title: The Myth of Police Discretion
Please refer to the Crank text, chapter two… In the section titled “The Myth of Police Discretion,” Mike describes two automotive patrol stops, one for white businessmen and the other for black teenagers. Please address the following:

  1. Would you argue that this is a racist depiction of police officers? Was Mike’s depiction a fair description of how police officers sometimes act?
  2. Can a person (any person, not just the po-po) be ethical and racist at the same time?

Title: Beyond A Badge
While the Crank text focuses on Police – I am curious to see how people relate the core theme of the book to their own professions, careers, past/current jobs- police or not. Please address the following statement:

‘Noble cause violations’ can regularly occur in my profession in the following ways…

Please make sure in your answer you explain why the violations you identify are “Noble Cause” violations. example can be military or healthcare/pharmaceuticals.

Title: Bureaucracy!

Everyone exists and/or works in context to some bureaucracy- For police it is their department and for students it is the school setting. (Other bureaucracies are acceptable alternatives for this exercise). This exercise has two parts, designed to provide insight into why bureaucracies do not typically deal effectively with unpredictability.

Please address both parts when responding to this thread:

1. Identify an instance, or pattern of instances, in which you approached a bureaucracy about some problem and in which:

a) the bureaucracy was unable to respond, or

b) you were shifted from person to person, without satisfactory response.

2. Defend the way the bureaucracy handled your problem.