employee legal handbook

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

employee legal handbook

For this final Portfolio Project, you will submit an academic paper to form the basis of a legal handbook for employees, which could be used during new employee orientations. Choose to focus on one type of healthcare worker (e.g., nurses, physicians, or physical therapists) and discuss what is expected of them in the following areas, including ethical principles. Analyze and justify why these are important for the patients, where necessary:

  • Credentialing/scope of practice
  • Legal employment qualifications (e.g., I-9, EEOC)
  • HIPAA (confidentiality, privacy, security)
  • Informed consent
  • Mandatory reporting
  • Organizational regulations (internal regulations, including staffing)
  • End-of-life issues (including advance directives)

This paper should include:

  • An APA title page.
  • A description of the organization you chose.
  • A list of all employee professions or disciplines.
  • A reference page(s) formatted in APA, citing the sources you discovered in the Module 5 milestone.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Contain 9-11 pages, including the title and references pages.
  • Include APA-level headings.
  • Follow the APA guidelines