DNP- Patient Outcomes And Sustainable Change
Patient Outcomes and Sustainable Change
Assessment Description
2. Reflecting on the “IHI Module TA 103: Increasing Value and Reducing Waste at the Point of Care,” describe the role of the DNP-prepared nurse in managing costs. Identify one common barrier to cost management and inappropriate resource use. Discuss a change theory and how it can be applied in nursing practice to integrate sustainable care delivery. Provide supporting evidence.
Assessment Description
3. Reflecting on the “IHI Module TA 102: Improving Health Equity,” describe two causes of health disparities in the United States, or in your local community, that lead to health inequity. What ethical issues inhibit access and quality for care for these issues? Outline an initiative, integrating your faith and ethical principles surrounding practice, to reduce these health inequities and sustain the change within the health care system.
Assessment Description
4. Reflecting on the “IHI Module QI 202: Addressing Small Problems to Build Safer, More Reliable Systems,” describe how your direct practice improvement project achieves clinical improvement. How will you achieve widespread change? How would the widespread change of your DPI Project be affected if it were implemented in a country with universal health care. Describe how the health outcome would be impacted. Provide supporting evidence.
Assessment Description
5. Reflect on the “IHI Module QI 201: Planning for Spread: From Local Improvements to System-Wide Change.” Describe how change spreads according to Kurt Lewin and Everett Rogers. Using the IHI Framework for Spread, assess the current culture of your organization or practice site and explain how likely a new idea will spread. Provided rationale and support for your explanation.
Assessment Description
6. Reflect on the “IHI Module PS 203: Pursuing Professional Accountability and a Just Culture.” As a future DNP leader describe what quantitative and qualitative data you could use to assess the culture of your practice site or organization. Explain how you can create, shape, and sustain a culture of safety for your site or organization using the six domains of a culture of safety. How will you inspire, motivate, and inform your organization on a journey of zero harm? Provide rationale and support for your explanation.
Assessment Description
7. Reflect on the “IHI Module PFC 102: Key Dimensions of Patient and Family Centered Care” module. Explain how the four dimensions of patient- and family-centered care are applied or can be applied within your organization. How does your organization collaborate with patients and families to redesign care?
Assessment Description
8. Reflecting on the “IHI Module: PS 202 Achieving Total Systems of Safety,” describe the eight recommendations proposed in the IHI report that DNP leaders can apply to accelerate patient safety and the prevention of harm. What three key recommendations will you use as a DNP leader to promote safety among the workforce in your organization to improve health outcomes?