Discussion week 8 10

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Discussion week 8 10

Discussion Prompt 1: Typical dental insurance allows two pediatric dental x-rays annually. Research and discuss whether you think two dental x-rays a year are considered safe for growing children.

Discussion Prompt 2: In theory, flame retardants in furniture and other household items such as draperies could reduce the spread of flames and thus protect people during fires. However, the major category of chemical flame retardants used for this purpose, the polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), has a number of adverse health effects including those on the thyroid gland. If you had to choose between a flame retardant sofa set (with PBDE) and PBDE-free non-flame retardant sofa set, which would you choose? Explain.

Discussion Prompt 3: In this course, you have learned the basics of ethics and law for the healthcare industry. Now that you have a solid foundation of knowledge on the subject, evaluate a healthcare law and its related policies. Analyze the impacts of these policies on public health and health equity. Provide ethical ramifications for each chosen policy. Include any insights that you gained from your research and postings or from responses of peers or the instructor that helped shape your thinking on these issues.

When you respond to your classmates, thoroughly analyze the examples and evidence cited and expand on their posts by providing your own perspectives.

This discussion forum meets the MPH CEPH Competency #15: Evaluate policies for their impact on public health and health equity.