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Discussion reply 119

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Does regulation promote effective health outcomes and protect the public?

The principles that form the basis for legal interventions by public health agencies and others in government to protect and improve the public’s health include discharging the statutory duty to protect from harm and promote health and safety (Chamberlain, 2018). Some legal interventions are more controversial than others and starkly illustrate the challenge of balancing public goods and individual freedoms due to varying norms/attitudes, expectations, and values that may inform both public opinion and decision-making by legislators in different jurisdictions. Health care regulations and standards are necessary to ensure compliance and to provide safe health care to every individual who accesses the system. The health care regulatory agencies in turn monitor practitioners and facilities, provide information about industry changes, promote safety and ensure legal compliance and quality services (Chamberlain, 2018). The various regulatory bodies protect the public from several health risks and provide numerous programs for public health and welfare. Together, these regulatory agencies protect and regulate public health at every level. Health care regulations are developed and implemented not only by all levels of government (federal, state and local) but by private organizations as well.

Are regulatory bodies accountable to the public?

Professional regulatory bodies are held accountable by the public, the media, government, and other stakeholders for the conduct of their members. Although there is liability protection from legal actions provided for in their enabling statute, professional regulatory bodies are blamed when there is serious misbehavior on the part of a member of the profession and governments do intervene when professional regulatory bodies are seen not to carry out their public protection mandate (Oyetunde & Brown, 2014). For professional regulatory bodies, success is the extent to which potential harms to the public and users of the professional service have been reduced, suppressed, mitigated or eliminated, and that the government, the public and other stakeholders believe that the professional regulatory body is doing a good job of protecting the public


Scaglione, B. J. (2019). Regulatory Compliance. Security Management for Healthcare, 1–24. doi: 10.4324/9780429023705-1

Chamberlain, J. M. (2018). Introduction: professional health regulation in the public interest. Professional Health Regulation in the Public Interest, 1–16. doi: 10.1332/policypress/9781447332268.003.0001

Oyetunde, M. O., & Brown, V. B. (2014). Professional Accountability. JONA’S Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation, 14(4), 109–114. doi: 10.1097/jhl.0b013e318276308f