Discuss laws that may help or hinder the unit work and how the unit will manage those laws. 

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:1 mins read

Discuss laws that may help or hinder the unit work and how the unit will manage those laws.

Recently there are several Police Departments struggling when it comes to the police mental healthcare collaboration. Mental illness is caused by mental illness has psychological, biological and environmental factors which many times drug addiction plays a major role as well. With this alarming action the police are involved even those officers who do not know nor understand how to work alongside or handle the actions of these individuals which according to Szabo, the reason they are 16 more times likely to be killed by an officer (USA TODAY, 2015). In order to prevent these occurrences, there should be a behavioral health unit created. This would be a team of officers, therapist, and volunteers who would be trained and experienced with this trauma, they will accountable for transforming the victims, and finally they will help educate the victims of drug effects.

USA TODAY. (2015). People with mental illness 16 times more likely to be killed by police.