Directions: Submit Sections 1 – 4 and (REFERENCE-13 )

1. Introduction: The function of the introduction is to attract or grab the reader’s interest and attention. The introduction consists of a broad overview of the project problem. The introduction should contain information that informs the reader about the basic nature and scope of the problem. References and statistics can be briefly utilized to reinforce the significance of (the importance) and the need (justification) for the project. The student is advised to begin a reference page on a separate page (the last page of the paper) entitled as the Reference page with all articles used to write this section cited in APA format. The introduction section should be presented in one to two paragraphs and should range in length between ½ of one page to 1 ½ pages maximum. In accordance with APA guidelines, there is no header for the introduction section because the introduction is clearly identified by its position in the manuscript.
2. Statement of Purpose: This section follows the introduction. The Statement of Purpose describes the purpose of the project in one succinct and concise statement and clearly identifies to the reader what (product) is to be produced as a result of the project, who the project is intended for (participants), where the project will be utilized (the intended setting), and why the project is being developed. For example: Statement of Purpose The purpose of this project is to develop an educational training program (what- product) for adult mental health nurses (who) working in a psychiatric inpatient hospital setting (where) to promote understanding regarding the importance and benefits of implementing the Recovery Model into mental health nursing practice (why). * The title of the project reflects the Statement of Purpose. For example: A Recovery Model Educational Training Program for Adult Mental Health Nurses Working in a Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital Setting.
3. Theoretical Framework and Nursing’s Metaparadigm: This section follows the Statement of Purpose. The student chooses a nursing theory to guide and support the development of the project. A second theory from a discipline outside of nursing such as sociology, education, or management non-nursing theorist may also be used. The theoretical framework section introduces the theory and includes a discussion of the major components, concepts, definitions, assumptions, and propositions found within the theory. The theory needs to “fit” well with original concepts describing the project purpose. The student summarizes how the theory “fits” the project purpose by discussing how the theory’s main components, concepts, definitions, assumptions, and propositions are connected or related to the project purpose. The most current theory source (text) is to be used when possible as the primary reference source by the student, no secondary sources are permitted unless approved by the Project Chair. Additionally, in the theoretical framework section, the student discusses nursing’s four metaparadigm concepts (nurse, health, person, and environment) as they are defined by the nursing theorist and how each of the four metaparadigm concepts are operationally defined by the student. The theoretical definitions are cited in APA format (source, year, page). The theoretical framework section should be a minimum of 3 pages in length. This section should be presented as follows: Theoretical Framework Hildegard Peplau’s (2004) Interpersonal Relations in Nursing Theory is utilized as the theoretical framework for the development of this project. A brief overview of the theory is presented as well as a discussion regarding how the theory was utilized to guide the development of the project. In addition, Peplau’s (2004) theoretical definitions for nursing’s four metaparadigm concepts (nursing, health, person, and environment) as well as the Project Author’s operational definition for nursing’s four metaparadigm concepts will be presented. Interpersonal Relations in Nursing Theory Hildegard Peplau is often regarded as the mother of psychiatric nursing…. Interpersonal Relations in Nursing Theory and Nursing’s Metaparadigm In her Interpersonal Relations in Nursing Theory, Peplau (2004) defines nursing’s four metaparadigm concepts (nurse, health, patient, and environment) as follows. Nurse is defined by Peplau (2004) as…. (p.). For the purpose of this project, nurse is operationally defined as…. Peplau (2004) defines health as…. (p.). Health is operationally defined for the purpose of this project as…. Person is defined as…. (Peplau, 2004, p.). Person is operationally defined for the purpose of this project as…. Finally, environment is defined as …. (Peplau, 2004, p.). Environment is operationally defined for the purpose of the project as…. Example regarding how to summarize nursing’s four metaparadigm concepts for a theory with implied definitions for nursing’s four metaparadigm concepts: Although Benner (2001) did not outwardly and explicitly define nursing’s four metaparadigm concepts (nursing, person, health, and environment) in her Novice to Expert theory, she described them as follows. Nursing is described by Benner (2001) as a helping role and as giving and receiving help…Nursing, for the purpose of this project, is operationally defined as a profession nurse in one of Benner’s five stages of skill acquisition…
4. Initial Review of the Literature: This section follows the Theoretical Framework section. The initial review of the literature presents a brief summary of at least 20 articles (10 of the 20 articles should originate from North American nursing journals and populations under study must be in US or Canada) that the student has reviewed thus far describing current evidenced based research findings in the project area of interest. Articles should be published within the last 5 years to ensure and to reflect current research based evidence and practice. Additional articles may be requested by the project chair at their discretion. The initial review of the literature is a short summary of what is already known about the project area of interest, what has been successfully implemented, what is lacking and in need of further exploration, and articles emphasizing use of the theoretical framework chosen by the student as it pertains to the project area of interest. At times, classic and seminal work older than the 5-year limit can be included in the review of the literature since they are timeless and continue to support current practice. The Initial Review of the Literature is written following APA format and should include subheadings addressing areas of the literature explored. The Initial Review of the Literature section should be presented as follows: Initial Review of the Literature A review of nursing and health related literature will be conducted to explore (project area of interest) using the following keywords both singularly and in multiple combinations: ___, ___, ____….. Databases searched, limited to the years ___ and ___, will include AMED, Alt Health Watch, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, and EBSCO. The search is limited to the years ____ to ____ to ensure that current evidence-based literature is reviewed and summarized for the purpose of this project. A summary of the review of the literature is presented. Prevalence of Mental Illness According to Smith (2011), approximately 1 million people have been diagnosed with a mental illness…. Defining Recovery Currently, numerous definitions of recovery exist in nursing and health related literature… * After a student successfully defends Chapter I (the Project Proposal), the initial review of the literature is then moved into Chapter II with a section replacing the initial review of the literature in Chapter I entitled Literature Synopsis. The Literature Synopsis section in Chapter I presents a summary of literature review findings in Chapter II once the literature review is completed in Chapter II. Initial Review of the Literature This section follows the Theoretical Framework section. The initial review of the literature presents a brief summary of at least 20 articles (10 from nursing sources) from North American journals that the student has reviewed thus far describing current evidence-based research findings in the project area of interest. Based on the project topic and current relevant research conducted outside of North America, the student may utilize International Journals with the permission of their project chair. Articles should be published within the last 5 years to ensure and to reflect current research based evidence and practice. Additional articles may be requested by the project chair at their discretion. The initial review of the literature is a short summary of what is already known about the project area of interest, what has been successfully implemented, what is lacking and in need of further exploration, and articles emphasizing use of the theoretical framework chosen by the student as it pertains to the project area of interest. At times, classic and seminal work older than the 5-year limit can be included in the review of the literature since they are timeless and continue to support current practice. The Initial Review of the Literature is written following APA format and should include subheadings addressing areas of the literature explored. The Initial Review of the Literature section should be presented as follows: Initial Review of the Literature A review of nursing and health related literature will be conducted to explore (project area of interest) using the following keywords both singularly and in multiple combinations: ___, ___, ____…. Databases searched, limited to the years ___ and ___, will include AMED, Alt Health Watch, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, and EBSCO. The search is limited to the years ____ to ____ to ensure that current evidence-based literature is reviewed and summarized for the purpose of this project. A summary of the review of the literature is presented. * After a student successfully defends Chapter I (the Project Proposal), the initial review of the literature is then moved into Chapter II with a section replacing the initial review of the literature in Chapter I entitled Literature Synopsis. The Literature Synopsis section in Chapter I presents a summary of literature review findings in Chapter II once the literature review is completed in Chapter II.
13. APA References: All project proposals are required to be written following APA formatting and style using the APA Manual 6th edition. Students are expected to begin a separate page for their reference list from the time they begin writing Chapter 1 of the proposal. The reference page is entitled References