Departments within Disney Parks and Resorts

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Departments within Disney Parks and Resorts

Table 7. Departments within Disney Parks and Resorts

Finance Design and Project Delievery

Legal Marketing and Sales

Asia Managment Disneyland Resort

Walt Disney Imagineering Walt Disney World

New Vacation Operation and Disney Cruise


Disney Vacation Club and Adventures by


Human Resources and Diversity and


Operations and Next Generation


Worldwide Public Affairs Communication


New things are always eyes catching. To attract customers in the competitive

amusement industry, Disney always has new program or surprising performances. For

example, they held Halloween party parade this year to fit in the atmosphere. And

another example is that they use new technology to collect data in the park to know

customers’ preferences products or rides.

The Walt Disney Company Case Study

45 FCU e-Paper (2016-2017)


At Disney World, the entire park has free wifi for all guests. Consider how big

the resort is, and the capacity that the system must support, and where they hide all the

camouflaged wifi routers. The free wifi for all guests is actually a pretty innovative

and awesome technological feat.

6.3 Resources and Capabilities Analysis

A company’s resources and capabilities analysis is critical and can clearly show

its strengths and weaknesses.

Table 8. Resources and Capabilities Analysis

Superfluous Strengths Key Strengths

Rides Brand


Global immersive user experience

Human resource


Inconsequential Weaknesses Key Weaknesses

Limited number of location Waiting time for some attractions

Key strength:

Disney park and resort have key strengths such as brand, operations, global

immersive user experience, human resource and service that make them have

comparative advantage to competitors. In detail, the strong brand which specialize the

The Walt Disney Company Case Study

46 FCU e-Paper (2016-2017)

quality of them make customers distinguish and think of Disney as the master of

theme park.

Disney also has strong team that are expert in their field and make sure to bring

customers best quality and service. Such a good team makes the company really

strong in operations, managing its different pars efficiently. Finally, all these strengths

work toward the main strength of Disney that offering a global immersive experience.

Superfluous strengths:

Rides, the rides in Disney theme park can bring customers good experience, but

it is not unsubstituted. Customers can use the rides of others with almost same


Inconsequential Weaknesses:

limited number of location is really a weakness but it doesn’t much affect to

Disney theme park. Customers from all over the world is willing to go for long

distance, even oversea to use Disney service and entertainment.

Key weakness:

Waiting time for some attractions. The service of Disney theme park is

sometimes overload and guests have to wait hours to buy some ticket attractions.

Especially in hot season, they might be hustled and jostled. In the end, some of them

refuse to go to Disney in that period. It is the most weakness of Disney that might

cause customer satisfaction and decrease their loyalty.

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47 FCU e-Paper (2016-2017)

6.4 VRIS Analysis

6.4.1 Capability

Below are the capabilities, acquisition, management, innovation, and international

capabilities of Disney.

Table 9. VRIS Analysis – Capability

V R I S Competitive




Acquisition O X O O temporary

competitive advantage

above average

to average

Management O O O O sustainable

competitive advantage

above average


Innovation O X O X Competitive

consequences average returns

International O O O O sustainable

competitive advantage

above average


The Walt Disney Company Case Study

48 FCU e-Paper (2016-2017)

6.4.2 Resources

Below are the resources of Disney, including land, rides, brand, technology, capital,

and park.

Table 10. VRIS Analysis – Resources

V R I S Competitive




Land O O O O sustainable

competitive advantage

above average


Ride X O X O competitive parity Average


Brand O O O O sustainable

competitive advantage

above average





O O O O sustainable

competitive advantage

above average



(finance) O O O O


competitive advantage

above average


Park O X O X competitive parity average


The Walt Disney Company Case Study

49 FCU e-Paper (2016-2017)

Chapter 7 Value Chain

Looking into Disney Parks and Resorts’ value chain may allow us to analyze the

success of Disney, how they create synergy among its different departments, and bring

out the best of them, presenting to their guests.

Figure 8. Value Chain

7.1 Firm Infrastructure



The total consolidated revenues of Disney company are 52,465 million.

According to Disney fiscal 2015 report, Parks and Resorts earn 16,162 million at the

same year, which is one third of total revenue. And they increase 7% from 2014 to


The Walt Disney Company Case Study

50 FCU e-Paper (2016-2017)

Table 11. The Total Consolidated Revenues of Disney Company

(in millions)

Segment operating income (loss)

The total Disney segment operating income is 14,681 million in 2015. Park and

Resorts accounting for 3,031 million, it is almost one-fifth of total. Compare to fiscal

2014, 2,663 million, they have about 14% growth.