Deliverable 2 – Assessing Data Sets For Population Health Management

Assignment Content
- Competency
Apply the foundational principles of population health management to patient care.Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.Scenario
W. Edwards Deming, who many consider the father of quality management, espoused the importance of using data for decision making. As a healthcare leader responsible for managing your healthcare organization’s population health management program, you will find that relevant, accurate, and current population health data is an essential part of your management toolkit. The exploration of data sets not only deepens your understanding of population health but also expands your awareness of the role of data in both the healthcare delivery system and in the way healthcare leaders can prioritize community needs.Data sets from federal and state resources, as well as from private foundations and academic medical centers are critical components for promoting evidence-based population health management programs. For this assessment, you will explore and assess the impact of data and information on population health programs and initiatives.
Based on the knowledge you acquired about your local population healthcare in the module 01 summative assessment, your health system Board of Directors is requesting that you prepare an executive summary. This executive summary should identify the data sets needed to support your health system PHM program and assess the role information and data sets play in empowering your health system population health management program.Conduct a review of your local health system (Healthpartners) or any regional health system. Familiarize yourself with the relevant population healthcare needs. In your executive summary, provide a few reasons why successful health management programs need relevant, current, and accurate data sets.
You should use five quality references to support your assessment and findings in this assessment.