Data analysis information and knowledge in clinical informatics

  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:6 mins read

Data analysis information and knowledge in clinical informatics

Respond to 2 classmates post must be at least 150 – 200 words (can be more if needed). APA citations must include retrieved from cite as well as doi if online reference

Discussion Response 1

You have received approval to conduct a study to examine the relationship between nursing satisfaction with the new electronic medical record and the shifts that the nurses work. You have the satisfaction scores from a survey with the shifts of the respondents listed.

Employee ID # First Name Last Name Shift
1 ******************* ************** **************
Employee ID # Shift Satisfaction Rating
1 ************** *******************

From the scenario, I established these two tables. I am not certain that these will be successful in getting the data that I desire exactly but I believe that it is the beginning of what I need in order to get my data organized. The first table that I established gave each participant an identity. Harrington (2017) wrote that there must be some way of distinguishing one entity instance from another when retrieving the precise instance we want. Using the employee ID # or the employee name provides access to each individual entry. The shift category does not give individual information, but instead groups the ratings of the shift of workers instead. By grouping the ratings together by shift, I will be able to determine which shifts find the electronic charting to be more helpful. I still feel that I am missing a table or something to complete this information

During this technological time, the conversion of data from paper to electronic is a norm. It allows for faster distribution and retrieval of the survey from the participants. It makes the survey available to the workers with one click instead of having to hand deliver and waiting for that worker to return the paper form that can be misplaced or thought of as trash. Electronic forms also can be processed into tables faster since the information has already been entered and stored. Electronic databases can also be accessed by nursing leaders and other healthcare leaders to track events in the hospital along with practices that can improve the care provided to patients. Databases allow nursing leaders to track the status of nursing and adverse events in their facilities (Patrician et al., 2010). The conversion of data from paper to electronic forms has changed how information can be communicated. Jimenez (2017) stated that the transition from paper to electronic charting has created an expedited platform for doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals to communicate the progress of patients’ health conditions. In this scenario, if a nurse was not satisfied with the electronic charting that nurse could possibly comment on what they felt was wrong with the charting and provide possible ways to improve the situation. A nursing level could notice the dissatisfactory survey and read the provided data. If the situation is something that can be fix, then the nursing leader can passed that info on or could address the situation their self.


Harrington, J. (2016). Relational database design and implementation (4th ed.). Cambridge,

MA: Morgan Kaufmann.

Jimenez, M. (2017). Effects of Barcode Medication Administration: Literature Review.

Proceedings of the Northeast Business & Economics Association, 157–160. Retrieved

from https://search-ebscohost-com.ezp.waldenulibrary.or…

=true&db=bth&AN = 134235278&site=eds-live&scope=site

Patrician, P. A., Loan, L., McCarthy, M., Brosch, L. R., & Davey, K. S. (2010). Towards

evidence‐based management: Creating an informative database of nursing‐sensitive

indicators. Journal of Nursing Scholarship42(4), 358–366. https://doi-org.ezp. 01364.x

Respond to 2 classmates post must be at least 150 – 200 words (can be more if needed). APA citations must include retrieved from cite as well as doi if online reference

Discussion Response 2

You are a member of a hospital committee to increase retention among nurses. You are tasked w/ compiling the data from exit interviews to look for trends in the reasons why nurses are leaving various departments.


Nursing retention is part of an efficiently run healthcare system; corporations dedicate entire departments to the task. Analysis of data allows companies to save money and avoid pitfalls (Chandel, 2017). As a member of a nursing retention task force, I would address the following items in an exit interview.


Patient ratio

Patient acuity


Shift/night or day


Computers and equipment reliable and working

Resources such as nursing assistants and case management

I want to show any relationship between two entities, such as department and available resources and department and staffing. I also must know the relationship between shift, night or day, and department. Converting from paper to electronic format allows the anonymity of participants, allows the ability to link data to compile the most reported reasons for leaving. Management could rank the reasons for resignation according to the frequency with which they were reported. Over time, a trend could show that specific departments have a higher rate of staff turnover. Also, over time, the number of staff leaving could decline, and then, if it starts to increase again, stakeholders can review trends and see what can be done to promote a healthy safe and efficient workforce (Patrician, Loan, McCarthy, Brosch, & Davey, 2010). The cycle of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom, describes the benefit of learning from previous experience and adjusting to prevent repeating the same mistakes (Ronquillo, Currie & Rodney, 2016).


Chandel, S. (2017). Comparative study of open-source processing frameworks for analysis of big data. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 8(5) Retrieved from… %2Fdocview%2F1912633329%3Faccou

Ronquillo, C. M., Currie, L. M., & Rodney, P. (2016). The evolution of data- information

knowledge-wisdom in nursing informatics. Advances in Nursing Science, 39(1).

Patrician, Patricia A, PhD,R.N., F.A.A.N., Loan, Lori,PhD., R.N.C., McCarthy, Mary,PhD., R.N., Brosch, Laura R,PhD., R.N., & Davey, Kimberly S,M.B.A., M.A. (2010). Towards evidence-based management: Creating an informative database of nursing-sensitive indicators. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 42(4), 358-66.doi: 9.2010.01364.x