Critical Analysis Report – 2 to 3 pages

A critical analysis report is a thorough review of a written work and a personal reaction or reflection to this analysis. Experience in making critiques of written works is required for the following reasons:
1. Extensive critical reading helps achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the concepts included in the course.
2. Critical analysis and evaluation of literary work assists with the comprehension of content of a particular course of interest or concern
3. The written critique helps develop the art of effective communication 4. The analysis helps develop appropriate reference citations for professional opinions
on health care issues GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Each student is required review two (2) articles from professional health related journals. The articles must focus on related, relevant and current aspect of Healthcare Finance or Economics. The articles must be published within last 2 years. The two (2) articles are to be selected from separate healthcare finance/planning topics. There is no specific topic that is required. GUIDELINES FOR ASSESSMENT
Overview Provide an overview of why you selected the topic of the articles and how they connect with your interests or professional career. In the overview note the following for each article:
1. Applicable General Topic: 2. Title of Article: 3. Authors Name: 4. Name of Journal: 5. Date of Journal: 6. Volume: 7. Number: 8. Pages (on which article appears): 9. Publisher of Journal
Cite using APA formatting. A copy of the articles must be submitted with the written report
Assessment One Guidelines (UNIT 7) 2
Synopsis and Summary Concise overview of the articles’ basic content. Content and Analysis 1. A brief statement about what you felt was the author’s general theme of the article. 2. A brief statement about what you felt concerning the author’s point of view. Include
whether the presentation was factual or subjective and lacking of facts. Explain your opinion.
3. Provide a list of the issues or challenges presented in the articles. Conclusions, Recommendations, and Discussion 1. List of author’s conclusions and/or recommendations. 2. Based on the author’s conclusions and/or recommendations, do you agree or
disagree; provide a brief justification regarding your opinion concerning your agreements and disagreements.
Professional Projections 1. A statement on what you learned from the article and how you may apply this
experience (negative or positive) in your professional future career. ASSESSMENT FORMAT AND GRADING All reports should be cleanly typed in MS Word. The paper is to be clear and concise; does not contain errors in spelling, punctuation, or syntax. In typing, the following should be observed.
• Include a cover page with your name and title of the assignment • Follow the format as noted above with the same sections • The use of Excel files, charts, graphs, or other graphic displays must be entered into the
Word File inside a text box. • Double space and leave 1 ¼” to 1 ½” margins on both sides and on the top and bottom
of each page • Number all pages and use a table of contents • Length of Report – there is no minimum number of pages, submit a well-organized and
thoroughly-developed report • Submit one final Word File for grading. Name the file with your last name, first initial,
and assessment 1 (Adams_J_ASSMT1). • Follow the Assessment Rubric for grading.