
  • Post category:Nursing
  • Reading time:4 mins read


Disney’s current opportunities and strengths profoundly outweigh the company’s threats and weaknesses. Suggestions for the future are rooted in the play on company strengths of brand reputation and cable prowess. Disney should look to expand into the Chinese and Asian-Pacific market by utilizing their worldwide brand image with intent to gain and consolidate consumer loyalty in the world’s fastest growing economy. Disney is already a legitimate success within North America thus the logical direction is to look east for growth. In regards to the company’s cable prowess, Disney should assure that its bread winner, ESPN continues to hold as many lucrative sports rights as it can regardless of cost as the advertising revenue resulting from those rights will pay for the rights themselves. The 2012 acquisition of Lucasfilm is set to pay dividends with the release of a new Star Wars film in the summer of 2015 continuing the trend of strategic acquirements while also providing an established big budget film that is unlikely to flop. Integrating the company’s established brand characters from Pixar and Lucasfilm into the interactive media segment can amend Disney’s weakness within the segment. As for Disney’s weak broadcasting, it might be the ideal time to place ABC on the selling block while maintaining the rights to ESPN. The company can get a struggling segment off their books at the appropriate time as more people are trending to cable television and alternative methods of media. Overall Disney is in fantastic shape looking forward with only minor tweaks detectable that could better the company.









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